Review: CSI: New York--'Flag On The Play'

CSI Files

After a lingerie football player is found dead in the team’s locker room, the New York CSIs must determine if her death is connected to that of a teammate who died six months ago. Synopsis: A triumphant celebration for lingerie football team New York Ball is cut short when one of the players finds the star quarterback, [...]

Nice review. I wonder if we'll learn about how Casey escaped from jail in the next episode "Sanguine Love", cause I really want to know how he escaped in the first place.
Excellent review, as always.

The lingerie football league is just the sort of thing NY is into - and I don't necessarily mean that in a positive way. I might be more charitable about it if it hadn't been used so gratuitously in the episode. Yes, this is a TV show and that's how they roll, but still. The scene at the beginning went on too long, the locker room scene was ridiculous and lacked subtlety, and they made sure to feature the beautiful women at least a few more times in their tight pink clothing. :rolleyes:

I was so glad to see Sid get some more focus. I adore Sid, and Robert Joy is a great actor. I hope we get more of this kind of stuff in the future - I'd love to see Sid's daughter(s) at some point. :D

The stuff with Danny's badge is kind of ridiculous, but I'm intrigued. The fact that he didn't report it or tell anybody but Lindsay (who inexplicably just went along with the secrecy) for a week is stupid, and suddenly we find out Shane Casey is involved? I gotta say, it was interesting to see Flack express anger and frustration that Danny (once again) did something so stupid - I'll be curious to see if Flack has anything to do with the storyline from here on out. There was a time when Flack would be scouring the city on his time off to find Danny's badge and rescue the damsel in distress - but it looks like maybe Flack has had enough of trying to be Danny's knight in shining armor (especially when Danny is supposed to be a more 'mature' husband and father and still makes these stupid decisions).

Anyway, I digress - I'm curious to see what Shane Casey has to do with anything. However, I'm not convinced that he got out of jail. It's always possible that whoever stole Danny's stuff went to the jail and visited Shane - how that would all work out remains to be seen, but I can't wait to find out what's going on. :)

The next episode is the one penned by Carmine - I wonder if this storyline will continue (or be wrapped up) then? I doubt it since Edward Furlong isn't listed in the press release, but you never know. Will they really draw this storyline out until the end of the season? That's a long time to keep it going. (Like you, Kristine, I'm really hoping this doesn't turn into 'Shane Casey kidnaps Lucy' or anything ridiculous like that. :rolleyes: Sadly, I think it's probably only a matter of time before the kidnap storyline happens simply because there's a baby and this is a TV show - and we all know TV shows love their cliches. I'm not sure they can resist the allure of Mommy and Daddy rushing to rescue Baby with the support of their Team Family - complete with heartwarming music and a tearful ending. Whether it's for this storyline or something else down the road, I'll be very surprised if we never see it.)