Review: CSI: New York-'Epilogue'

CSI Files

The sixth season premiere finds the team hunting for the people responsible for shooting up the bar the team was in–and landing Danny in a wheelchair. Synopsis: Picking up a month after “Pay Up”, Mac Taylor is frustrated to be no closer to finding the person responsible for shooting at the team in the bar–and hitting Danny [...]

Excellent review, as usual. :)

Mac - It was nice to see Stella call him out on making it all about 'me' and 'I'.

Stella - I'm not sure how I feel about her little tryst with Adam, although I wish they'd explained exactly how in the hell that happened. I don't buy that it's over - particularly since I'm pretty sure Adam was not thinking the same as she was in that scene toward the end (poor dear :p) - but I don't know what TPTB are going for with this one. It has the potential to be far more interesting than DL ever was, so I hope it lives up to its potential at least.

I wish I had more to say about Stella than that. Hopefully subsequent episodes will give Stella more to work with.

Danny - Not surprised about him being injured because the 'surprise' was ruined a while ago (and it's in all of the promos that he was the one injured). I thought the end was pretty corny, but corny is the name of the game on TV. It would be more interesting if he discovered that his legs are magical and can control the weather now, though. :p Overall, I'm just waiting to see how things turn out rather than feeling too invested. I do think he needs to shave, though. ;)

Lindsay - She certainly wasn't like the Lindsay I've seen on CSI:NY for the past several seasons. (It's like we've entered a parallel universe.) I didn't mind her, and I think Anna did a good job when talking to Danny about the possibility that he'd walk again. The dialogue itself was lacking at some points IMO (I think a husband and wife delivering exposition about his diagnosis when actual spouses wouldn't be talking that way comes across as clumsy, and the speech toward the end was very...neat and scripted - although I'm not sure if that makes sense), but it came across well. I hope this is a positive sign for Lindsay (and DL) going forward. I'm still not invested in them, but they didn't detract from the episode - quite the opposite, in fact.

Hawkes - Like Stella, he didn't get much individual stuff to deal with in this one, but I'm confident that we'll see good stuff going forward. Not everybody can get focus in the premiere. :)

Flack - I dunno, I'm waiting to see how this storyline progresses. I'm a bit bored with TV shows having grieving people get drunk and sleep around, but it all depends on how NY handles it. Not at all surprised that he came back when trouble found Danny again. ;)

Adam - Good for him getting some from a stunning woman like Stella, but I really do want to know how in the heck that happened. :lol: I liked his attitude when talking to Haylen - Adam might be the low man on the totem pole, but it was nice to see him stand up for himself by pointing out that he isn't going to help her take his job. I wasn't a fan of the fact that Haylen was introduced - and her awesomeness shown to Mac - by making Adam look like he missed something. They say Adam is the best and he's important to the lab until it's convenient to make him look inept or silly.

He looked very handsome in the premiere, though - and I did like his joke about pimping Danny's ride. :p Adam's a good guy.

Sid - Didn't get much to do, but the coroner rarely does. I hope we have at least one good Sid episode this season. :D

Haylen - Not a fan so far, especially since she's basically going after Adam's job. I'm all for someone working hard to get what they want, but you don't step over Adam to get there, kthanx. :p Time will tell if she grows on me - I'm open to the possibility, but we'll see how it goes in later appearances. I don't think she'll actually take Adam's job, but it's going to annoy me if Mac (or Stella) doesn't make it known that nobody is replacing him. (Maybe because I don't think they tell him how much they appreciate him and how important he is to the team often enough - but I'm biased. ;))

Overall, it was an okay episode, but it seemed to be more about setting up the season than really being exciting on its own. It had its good moments, and there were some parts that were kind of ridiculous (the scene where Risa got shot was so dramatic with the lighting and the chandelier and everything, and that pink neon-backed machine Hawkes used was like a tricked out vending machine that made me laugh), but overall I'm looking forward to seeing where the season goes from here.

And yay for continuity! It looks like we're going to get a lot of continuity and personal stuff this season, which is good. I also hope we get lots of good cases (and maybe a few of those two-case episodes that we were so sick of a few seasons ago - I know we're fickle, but I'd like to see a mix of the two :p).

Once again, great review! I'm glad to see NY getting off to a great start with season six. :D
Thanks, guys!

Lindsay - She certainly wasn't like the Lindsay I've seen on CSI:NY for the past several seasons. (It's like we've entered a parallel universe.) I didn't mind her, and I think Anna did a good job when talking to Danny about the possibility that he'd walk again. The dialogue itself was lacking at some points IMO (I think a husband and wife delivering exposition about his diagnosis when actual spouses wouldn't be talking that way comes across as clumsy, and the speech toward the end was very...neat and scripted - although I'm not sure if that makes sense), but it came across well. I hope this is a positive sign for Lindsay (and DL) going forward. I'm still not invested in them, but they didn't detract from the episode - quite the opposite, in fact.

Agreed--it felt like a total about face for the character, but I'm hoping that the shooting made her wake up and realize how lucky she is and how much she has (that bullet might have hit her had Danny not covered her) and that that has given her a new outlook. She's never been a character I'd describe as "optimistic" before, so surviving yet another shooting (interesting that the first one wasn't brought up at all) has brought that out in her, that's interesting.

And yeah... it was unusual to have the Danny/Lindsay interactions be one of the highlights of an episode. If this is the new direction for them, I like it.

Flack - I dunno, I'm waiting to see how this storyline progresses. I'm a bit bored with TV shows having grieving people get drunk and sleep around, but it all depends on how NY handles it.

I'm in the same boat--it feels very out of character, but I am curious to see where it will go.

Not at all surprised that he came back when trouble found Danny again. ;)

Nice to see some things never change. :D Flack's devotion to Danny is really where we see the softer side of his character, so I like that it was Danny returning to work that brought him back.

Adam - Good for him getting some from a stunning woman like Stella, but I really do want to know how in the heck that happened. :lol: I liked his attitude when talking to Haylen - Adam might be the low man on the totem pole, but it was nice to see him stand up for himself by pointing out that he isn't going to help her take his job.

Agreed--I liked seeing Adam stick up for himself, too. I think he's definitely making advances in the self-esteem department.

He looked very handsome in the premiere, though - and I did like his joke about pimping Danny's ride. :p Adam's a good guy.

I liked that, too--I thought it was cute that he was trying to lift Danny's spirits. I was surprised to find I also liked Lindsay's protective response, too--she didn't let Adam take the joke too far and risk Danny getting upset.

Great review Top, insightful as always!

...the improbably named Haylen Becall

^That made me chuckle by the way. Couldn't have said it better myself. :D

Yeah, that name is terrible! Like Fay, I'm not sold on the character at all. I found her kind of irritating--and her voice a bit grating. We'll see how she is in future weeks, I guess.
Haylen is a bit odd of a name, but at least it wasn't something really weird like some of the things celebs name their kids lol. The last name is cool, but the spelling is odd to me. :lol:

Top, I think we agree on Haylen as a character. I was thinking that I would like her given that I don't mind the actress. But, the character really bugged me. She just didn't click for me. Personally, I think she won't end up being added to the opening credits as a full cast member. And I'm not sure she'll last much longer as a character either. She may fade off into the sunset like Sofia Curtis. :lol: I didn't notice anything annoying about her voice though, but the personality just didn't do it for me. She may mellow out a bit and grow on me, but I'm not looking for that to happen to be honest. :lol:
Good review as always :)

I didn't like Adam/Stella but no surprise here. I hope that since the writers have taken that road, it's not forgotten by the next episode because I detected a hint of a new Adam and I'm really curious to see where are they going with all of this. I doubt they would grow on me but I hated the idea of Adam/Haylen that some spoilers suggested so I guess if I had to choose, Adam/Stella is the lesser of two devils.

I have to admit that if the writers handle this better than they did with D/L I could maybe get used to it, but only if Adam gets more screentime and more character development. It'll be great to see AJ tackle more "meaty" stuff and in that sense maybe Adam/Stella could work in the long run. Did I say maybe? :lol:

On the time lapse: I felt a little bit cheated because promos made me believe that we would see the shooting and the immediate aftermath before jumping one month and some flashbacks in between. I wanted to see good team drama but I guess after the action-packed finale the writers wanted a more slow-paced episode and probably surprise those few viewers that didn't see the promos. My boyfriend was not spoiled so imagine his WTF expression after seeing Danny in a wheelchair.

Ok, Lindsay. Yes, Anna did good. I liked a lot her first scene, the gentle scolding of Adam, her voice wasn't unnerving as usual. She seemed real and caring and reminded me a bit of season 2. There were a couple moments where the old Lindsay came back and it seemed to me that Anna was struggling again with the drama, but when her voice quivered I was sold, so I have to admit that I liked her for the first time in a lot of years. But as Fay said, there was something too neat about it and some parts of the D/L interaction seemed too forced and this time it wasn't Anna. I'll leave those comments on the episode thread :)
I too liked the Lindsay/Adam thing. It reminded me of a sister/brother like vibe. It was like she was "scolding" her younger brother. His reply with too cute: "Relax chiquita". :guffaw: