Review: CSI: New York--'Dead Reckoning'

CSI Files

After a man is stabbed to death by his wife, the team is shocked to find evidence that she had an accomplice responsible for twenty-one other crimes. Synopsis: Deborah Carter’s murder of her husband Kevin appears to be an open-and-shut case. After Kevin returned from a business trip, Deborah cooked him his favorite meal for dinner and [...]

Great review, as always. :)

I gotta say - I wouldn't throw my life away to commit murder, no matter how much of a scumbag my husband turned out to be or how humiliated I felt by him cheating. I'd leave his sorry ass and move on with my life. So I just don't get the Deborah Carter character - she doesn't regret that she's going to spend the rest of her life in prison for killing her husband? It just doesn't make sense to me. :wtf:

The storyline with Flack continues to be interesting, although I'm not sure a tiny woman wielding a knife was the best choice to show Flack being unable to kill someone when necessary - if it's safe enough for Lindsay to hesitate, put her gun away and physically tackle the woman, it probably wasn't necessary for Flack to kill her. Someone could have shot the woman in the leg (or some other nonlethal area - and yes, this includes Flack, so I'm not saying he was totally in the right by not firing his weapon) since her ability to hurt someone with a knife depended on her being able to reach them with said knife (a person with a gun is a much more tricky situation). I dunno, I just thought that scene was kind of odd.

Despite that, I do like the Flack storyline overall. I like that we're getting a slow build that will, inevitably, blow up at some point in the future. (I wish his sister Sam would show up since he's apparently drinking now, but that would be too much to hope for.)

What I don't like is the rush job they did with Danny's storyline. Why commit to something that serious if you're just going to gloss over it within a few episodes? There was so much potential, and now it feels like most of that potential has been lost. I think the storyline should have lasted at least half of the season. We're not even 1/4 of the way through and Danny's able to walk? Not to mention that he goes from giving up to standing confidently in the course of a single episode. *sigh* What a waste.

The scene with Hawkes was good, though - Carmine and Hill did a great job. :)

I'm not sold on Haylen yet - her scene with Stella had me rolling my eyes (she couldn't have just said 'the salad hasn't been tossed, so he didn't eat any of it'?), but I did like her in the final scene. I was waiting for her to speak, but when she didn't I thought that was telling. The actress did a good job with that scene, and I'm hoping that the character is able to settle in and impress me sooner rather than later.

BTW, the idiot handling cotton with her bare hands at that factory? I wanted to smack her upside the head. What a moron. :rolleyes:
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Well, here’s one we haven’t seen before! The CSIs hunt a woman on a crime spree only to discover the “Phantom Killer” isn’t a killer at all but a girl working in a factory that makes the swabs the labs use contaminated a whole bunch of them because she wasn’t wearing gloves when she handled the cotton

Actually, didn't original CSI have a sub-plot where samples got cross-contaminated by the use of petri-dishes that were improperly sterilised during manufacture?