Review: CSI: New York--'Blacklist'

CSI Files

The NY team hunts a killer who uses technology to do his victims in.Synopsis:The murder of Aaron Dexter, the CEO of GMI Health Network, seems like an open and shut case after he’s found shot to death in a seedy Bronx neighborhood. The team nabs his killer via prints off the door of his rented [...]

Great review, as always. This episode was pretty exciting, but I'm not entirely sure how I felt about it. Backstory is always nice - and we're getting continuity this season, so I can't complain. (Although I'll agree that de-aging Gary wasn't entirely successful.)

Some good Adam scenes in this one - I was pleased to see him and Stella working 'normally' without any awkwardness to ruin the moment. I want to see my nerds being nerds 99% of the time, and constant ~relationship drama~ would have been a drag. ;) I did notice her touch his shoulder, though. Maybe it's nothing, but maybe it's significant. We'll see.

BTW, it was nice to see Adam just doing his job and doing it well - no need to make him look inept this time. I'd like to see them keep it that way.

I'm still curious to see where the stuff with Flack goes - he wasn't there much this week, but his few scenes spoke volumes. If they keep it up, this could be a very interesting season for Don Flack.
Great review. This episode was really creepy, GraveDigger was able to hack into any system and the team wouldn't be able to track him down until he tried to kill that nurse and that left him out in the opened. Imagine dealing with a killer like that in real life.
Good review, I should have read it and skip the episode because I almost fell asleep.

Like you said, problem with Mac is that he is too often this two-dimensional guy that only sees good and bad. I had some hope after S5 where he was beginning to act more sympathetic towards those whose morals didn't agree with his, but this episode was definitely a step back.
What's the point of digging into Mac's past if we are only going to see how faultless his morals and believes have always been?
Mac didn't always made the wisest choices both in his past --as seen in the 333 arc-- and at present --Clay Dobson's death--, but at the end Mac remains the same. He never learns a thing and he's still right all the time. Righteous!Mac man frustrates me immensely.

While I was watching "Blacklist" I kept thinking of Miami's last episode, "Hostile Takeover" and their similarities. Both "bad" guys felt that justice wasn't done and felt betrayed by the system. Both asked for the CSI leader to listen to their plight and help them. But Horatio, even when he's Super H, is far more sympathetic than Mac, so the episode fell flat in comparison.

Gravedigger definitely should have been chosen another character.