Review: CSI: Miami--'Sudden Death'

CSI Files

A college football star flees the scene of a murder at a posh Miami club. Synopsis: Brady Jensen, a college football star being courted by agents, flees from the Dorset Club the morning after a night of partying—which left bottle girl Kristen Banks dead. After Brady flees from Delko and Ryan, Horatio catches him and [...]

I totally agree with your review. Horatio's hero complex had gotten old like in season 4 and we are still being subjected to it. It's annoying and in "Sudden Death" it was even a little creepy. In the end I even thought that he had actual feelings for her.

I also agree about Eric and Calleigh. If the writers were going to have them break up then they should've done it in a less crypted way. It was really out of the blue and it has just created a lot of confusion. There hadn't been any indication in previews episodes and even more, the scene they shared in "Sudden Death" in the middle of the episode gave no indication either. They actually flirted quite a bit in that one.

I loved seeing Erica Sykes again. She really baffles Ryan and is a good character to watch. I agree that Ryan has no idea how to feel about her because when he first saw her he had a pretty huge smile on his face but he also knows how ruthless she can be.

Anyway great review :).
Great review as always, m'dear. :)

The stuff with Horatio and Sara was definitely odd - and I agree with you that it was kinda creepy, hiphugger17. :wtf: (BTW, Nadine Velazquez will always be Catalina from "My Name is Earl" to me. :lol:)

The status of Eric and Calleigh's relationship is just confusing. Why did they break up? When did they break up? I don't get it.

I loved Walter in the ladies room. He's so cute. :adore: I also enjoyed his scene with Frank where they were calling dry cleaners - they're two characters that don't seem to interact much, so it was nice to see them talking.

I didn't see every episode of Miami back when Erika Sikes was on there before, but bringing her back seemed odd - unless she's going to be around on a recurring basis this season, in which case reintroducing her is obviously fine. :p I never really liked her, but I don't have to like her for her to be a good character. (I'm not sure if she is a good character since I haven't seen all of her episodes to judge, but she certainly brings something different to the table. ;))

I like Tom - there's nothing wrong with Dr Mercier, but I'd prefer to have Tom around all of the time. :D
Oh I forgot to comment on Tom. I totally prefer Tom over the new ME. She reminds me way too much of Tara and I really did not like Tara. Plus Logan is just fun to watch :).
Thanks for the review again!!!

I have watched better and worst episodes though.Although the scene between Eric and Calleigh felt a little out of place I'm happy that their relationship is finally over.I wish now that the neglected characters(Ryan,Natalia and Frank) get more screentime.
Thank you for the review. I always enjoy them and almost always agree with your point of view. I think you are a very talented writer :) Keep up a good work.
It's a relief to know that you were as confused about that locker scene as me.
Sorry, Grissom_rules, I don't think that EC relationship is over. I'm pretty sure it was just a thing to create more drama, which none of the group really wants. If it really is over, then imagine how you would feel if your favourite character, say Grissom, would disappear just like that and there would be no mention of him ever after.