Review: CSI: Miami--'Spring Breakdown'

CSI Files

The Miami team has their hands full when spring break revelry produces three victims at a posh hotel.Synopsis:The Miami team has their hands full with three dead people at the swanky Ciel Blue hotel: a young man is impaled on a poolside seating area, a young woman turns up dead in washing machine and another [...]

This episode didn't thrill me, although it did have its moments. Travers is kind of adorable (and not always 'nice', which is definitely more interesting). :adore: I wanted to smack Ryan, though - what's his deal? :confused:

Spring Break on CSI: Miami is like an ultra-condensed version of the show. It's everything to the extreme (more murder, more babes in bikinis...). The Jersey Shore references made me groan a bit, but at least they weren't too bad - I'm not sure I would have noticed if they hadn't pointed it out in news items leading up to when the episode aired.

But ugh, I'm so sick and tired of Fatty Revenge plots on these crime shows. Yes, we get it, the fat girl gets humiliated, becomes skinny and hot (with nary a stretch mark to be seen, I'm sure) - and promptly throws her own life away to kill the worthless idiots who humiliated her. I'm glad we got that settled. When fat people aren't falling off the roof when reaching for chocolate ("The Fall") or choking on Scrabble-esque tiles ("Bad Words"), they're shedding the pounds to go commit some murder (a la "Personal Foul", as was mentioned in the review, obviously). Goody. :shifty:
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It's the writers committing character assination on his personality again and again (who btw should be slapped with a lawsuit for stealing storylines/signature scenes from NY and Cold Case lol). This is NOT Ryan. The way he was misrepresented in the scenes with Tom was a travesty and those writers need to cut it the crap out! They've been doing that a lot this season and I get the feeling that they do it cause they're trying to make Jesse look better, get more fans to like him... but those who already do (like me) are only going to start to resent him if the writers keep committing character assinations on already established characters and writing them completely and utterly OUT OF CHARACTER! They need to go back and rewatch past seasons because this assination on his personality is INEXCUSABLE! :scream:

No wonder Miami is lately getting beat in the ratings. They drag out one storyline after the other, rehash old episodes, steal from other shows (my guess is cause they're running out of ideas), they neglect characters (Natalia mostly), write others completely out of character (and not only did they make Ryan seem rude, but they also dummed him down- that's happened more than once this season too).

This was the absolute without a doubt WORST episode of the season... and not just because of the Ryan thing, but also the Nat thing, the stealing from other shows thing and the fact that it was just plain ol' boring. Miami is going to keep on losing viewers if they keep this crap up. The character neglect and assinations on established characters' personalities have GOT TO STOP and they've got to stop NOW!

This episode gets an F- (and then some) from me. Truly the worst.

The only thing that would seem to make sense with the Ryan thing, is since its just Tom he seems to have the negative interactions with (suspects don't count cause most of the time they deserve it lol), that it is because Ryan got close with the first M.E, Alexx... got friends with her and then she left. He started forming a friendship with Tara, the next M.E. (excluding the ATF plant and Shannon of course, the latter of whom I don't think Ryan ever got the chance to meet) and then he was disappointed when he found out she was stealing evidence and addicted to drugs. He tried to help her, but she refused his help and kept right on doing what she was doing. I think this has maybe (if this is what it is and not just the writers committing character personality assination) made him a little leery of forming friendships with another M.E... so he pushes him away by acting out of character and being rude to him. If this is the case and it's shown and resolved (with Ryan apologizing to Tom) before the season's over, then I'll take back everything I just said about tptb... but honestly, I really don't think the writers have that in mind. Otherwise, this is just another redone storyline. It's Eric and Ryan 2.0 only with Ryan doing to Tom basically what Eric did to him. It makes no sense. If they wanted something like that, it would have made much more sense to use one of the new characters whose personalities we don't know that well yet.

The only good things about this episode were that Frank had lots of screentime (probably for the first time ever), they teamed Ryan with Jesse (but Jesse didn't seem to be given much to do, for the most part he was just there- weird) and Walter with Horatio, which is what I wanted. I just wish they'd thrown Natalia in that case with Frank and Cal. Other good things, Ryan/Frank... I love when these two tease each other and you can tell its all in good fun. See THIS is Ryan. The way he teases Frank kind of reminds me how all the other guys on Whose Line Is It Anyway always teased Colin about his being "folically impaired". :lol: The way Ryan was acting toward Tom is NOT in character.

Ryan/Travers is an interesting dynamic too. I could see these two being really good friends after work, along with Dave. Calleigh saying the "killer blonde" line and the way Ryan and Walter looked after her when she said it was amusing. The kids cheering at the dummy being thrown from the window gave me a chuckle. But those are all very minor things in an episode that as a whole was a complete and utter mess!

Oh and would it have killed them to have shown Valera processing the DNA from the hair strand? Yeesh! She's only been in one ep this season. She's been with the show since Speed was there. She deserves more than one ep a season! A minimum of 3 I would say. :lol:

But ugh, I'm so sick and tired of Fatty Revenge plots on these crime shows. Yes, we get it, the fat girl gets humiliated, becomes skinny and hot (with nary a stretch mark to be seen, I'm sure) - and promptly throws her own life away to kill the worthless idiots who humiliated her. I'm glad we got that settled. When fat people aren't falling off the roof when reaching for chocolate ("The Fall") or choking on Scrabble-esque tiles ("Bad Words"), they're shedding the pounds to go commit some murder (a la "Personal Foul"), as was mentioned in the review, obviously). Goody. :shifty:

I totally agree, Faye. As a person who was somewhat chubby as a kid, I was teased (not to the extent that the girl was with the video)... but I honestly cannot remember the name of one person (in school) who teased me about my weight. Not one. :lol: Maybe it helped that I have a younger brother who teased me about it all the time... maybe that made whatever kids at school said seem not so bad. Seriously, my brother was worse with the verbal insults than any of the kids at school were. :lol:

Honestly, I feel like any person who is treated as badly as the girl in this episode (with that video thing) was should definitely get counseling... otherwise it's just going to eat away at them until they explode in either anger/rage at the attackers or sink into a depression that eventually causes them to hurt themselves.
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I wanted to smack Ryan, though - what's his deal?
Ryan has been written horribly out of character this season. I actually didn't have a problem with Ryan hanging up on Tom. Tom has been pretty snarky with Ryan on occasion too.
I agree with GNRF that it's the writters that need to be slapped.
I do wonder ,like Kristine, if the writers are setting Ryan up for a big fall.If not,it's just plain bad writing on their part as well as character assasination.