Review: CSI: Miami--'Reality Kills'

CSI Files

When a reality star dies at a season premiere party, her co-stars become the prime suspects. Synopsis: A season premiere party to welcome the show The Burroughs to Miami ends in tragedy when one of the young Brooklynite stars, Courtney Alderman, stumbles onto the stage and plummets off it, dead, when a man apparently fires [...]

Thanks for the great review!

The episode is visually annoying for me. I didn't like reality show footages' visual effects. I find the semenarist angle to be a stretch. I'm sure no superior will allow his seminarist go undercover on a sinful TV show. If ever he didn't notify his superior, shouldn't he be worried that people might recognized him as a seminarist? News travels. And why join the show in the first place. He can just turn down the offer and make other ways to do his mission. Shea's student loan angle works for me but her motive for killing is stupid. She should have known prisons do exist.

This episode didn't thrill me at all. The reality show angle was annoying for me, and not even Walter's dorky story about visiting NYC was enough to save it. :p

The scene with Horatio shooting up the ceiling of a restaurant with a machine gun was just ridonkulous. :wtf: I mean...seriously?
Great review :).

This episode had me rolling my eyes in quite a lot of it. Like you mentioned in the review the scene were Horatio tored up the ceiling was absurd and him appearing out of nowhere is so old and tiresome. The case didn't reallly hold my interest and it's quite a stretch to believe that a seminarist would get involved in that type of TV show.

Ryan being made fun of is always great to watch though:p
Good review.Liking the great team dynamics.

Ryan being made fun of is always great to watch though:p
It's even better when he's a good sport about it and takes it in stride as he did in this episode isn't it?;)
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