Review: CSI: Miami--'Match Made In Hell'

CSI Files

After a man is slain by an alligator, the CSIs become suspicious of two competing matchmaking services. Synopsis: The Miami team is on the case after a man named Matthew Shaw is brutally torn apart by an alligator in his own swimming pool. Horatio and Ryan track down the gator and shoot it, noticing a [...]

Great review as always, m'dear. ;)

I'm getting really annoyed with Horatio always rushing to rescue the damsels in distress. It's 2011, and it's frustrating how many times this show in particular makes women into these helpless creatures desperately waiting for the big strong hero to swoop in and rescue them.

And don't even get me started on the two 'matchmakers'. Ugh!

I did have to chuckle at the way Horatio and Eric seemed like Dad and Protective Big Brother while Ryan was undercover, especially when they were basically pacing around and watching the clock. ♥ (And aww, Ryan was cute with the blanket around his shoulders afterward.)

That being said, did they really have to kill the security guard? I know he was reaching for his gun, but they were holding his head underwater - was he really so much of a threat that he had to be killed to remove that threat from the situation? No, I really don't think so. It was all just very dramatic.

Other redeeming moments for this episode: Walter and Eric talking about the matchmaking services (and Walter wanting to hook up with the fine ladies) was fun. I really enjoyed the scene where Natalia and Calleigh were laughing about the 2- and 4-inch pipes. (Those two don't interact nearly enough for my taste.) Tom being odd is always entertaining. :)