Review: CSI: Miami--'In Plane Sight'

CSI Files

After a crooked financier is found dead aboard his plane, the Miami team must find out who among the many people angry at him actually killed him.Synopsis:After repo man Tony Connor is caught trying to steal a plane belonging to crooked Miami financier Howard Burgess, the CSIs are surprised to discover the body of Howard [...]

Awesome review, as always. :)

I'm really liking Jesse, and I love his interaction with Walter. Walter is the bomb. :D
The review was okay for the most part.The case I found interesting.Would have liked to know a little more of Frank's situation and his losing of his money.
Jessie has great interaction with all the characters.
Disagree with the assessment of the Jesse/Ryan Rock,Paper Scissors.There was no territoral behavior or bristling on either characters part.All of the their scenes are good natured,even the shorty comment at the end was normal guy talk.Jesse is presented with glowing accolades,Ryan in a negative light even when it's obviously male bonding,normal guy type fun going on.I sensed a Jesse the new guy is a saint,Ryan is always wrong or petty bias maybe based on previous actions from the review.I actually wondered as I read the review if if she were watching Jesse and Ryan at all.
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Well this was one of my fav. episodes ever for these reasons
- the guest cast which I loved. I loved every single actor!
- the main cast & the plot which were particulary entertaining, at least IMHO.

Anyway, great review & I did find some interesting points ;)

When the crowd catches wind of who she is, they start heckling her, and Tripp makes one arrest: a man named Carlos Guzman who is particularly aggressive.
Well I would have called it more lynch rather than heckling LOL. I don't know if I had been Allison, I would have freaked out while they were yelling,.

Cynthia Wells is able to recover the signature of the person who hired him: Allison Burgess.
This, IMHO, was the most ridiculous part of the episode. I mean how is it possible that indentation was an official signature on an official document? Don't get me wrong, but it looked like Allison had signed on another paper which was above this one & left the famous least I wouldn't sign an official document in that disgustin way, if it were me :lol:

Horatio has Daniel arrested, and consoles a distraught Allison Burgess as her son is led away in handcuffs.
Hmmmm, I think I missed this part. Don't get me wrong, but I've never seen H consoling her. What I saw was a distraught Allison and H just staring at her & not doing anything to actually console her. I was actually shocked to see him not consoling the widow of the epsidoe.

Unfortunately, Tripp’s involvement isn’t taken any further than that, and we don’t find out much else about the swindling. Is Tripp hard up for money now? Fretting over his retirement? It would have been great to see the story taken a step further, to even see Horatio offer to help Tripp out with a loan or something along those lines.
Unless they'll bring back this storyline with another adventure for Burgess family, I highly doubt they'll ever remember of it :rolleyes:

When something is fired at Allison, it proves to be a piece of fruit rather than a bullet, but it’s jarring enough to make viewers jump.
Thank you 'cause I really jumped while watching it for the first friend, who was there doing something else, looked at me as if I were crazy. I wasn't expecting it at all LOL!

Allison is played by the gifted Andrea Parker, who is very convincing as the downtrodden wife and mother trying to pick up the pieces of her life in the wake of her husband’s machinations.

Shawn Pyfrom, who plays the Burgess’ son Daniel, has a much trickier role, and isn’t quite as successful at pulling it off.
Poor Shawn....I got distracted by the t-shirt they gave him and his hairdo, his look was disgusting LOL. But I don't think he did a bad job. I do think that his role wasn't the best one. While people could have a little bit of sympathy for Allison because, at least, she tried to do something good also in order to give some money back to those "poor" people, Daniel was just cocky....I don't know I just didn't like the fact he smoked that thing, that he slept all morning (how old was he? Did he go to school or to work? Or was he just a lazybones?) and he practically didn't do anything all morning! I just couldn't help disliking him LOL. Guess they could have written a better character for him also because he was way too similar to Andrew Van De Kamp....I really was expecting him to blackmail his mother by the end of the episode :lol:

He, unfortunately, had to be part of the dysfunctional aspect of the family. That reminded me a lot of the "Pretender" when, OFC, people had much more symphaty for Miss Parker (Andrea Parker) who was supposed to be the antagonist of the show, rather than Sydney (Jarod's shrink) who was integral part of the dysfunctional system of the "Centre".

As for Jesse, I totally agree with you :thumbsup:

Ryan Wolfe might be feeling a bit territorial,
I respectfully disagree. What I saw was just a fantastic bonding between the two. Something I'm looking for now that I know Eric Delko is "gone". That's exactly what they show has been missing right since s3.
And I don't think Jesse didn't like Ryan's attitude. I think that was right what he was looking for 'cause he's not a boring CSI. He's a man and I'm sure lots of men would enjoy have fun also while working.
So, I'm all for their bonding 'cause THIS is a bonding!
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Ryan Wolfe might be feeling a bit territorial, though. He tries to establish a pecking order in the beginning when he tells Jesse he gets to fish Burgess out of the toilet–”first come, first served,” he says, a bit snidely. Jesse rises to the challenge, bristling a bit himself when he picks up on Ryan’s attitude. He challenges Ryan to a game of Rock Paper Scissors for the task, claiming it’s the L.A. way. Ryan promptly beats him, smugly claiming it’s the “Miami way.” Jesse snarks him right back, telling him that it’s good Ryan didn’t lose the challenge; he “wouldn’t want to get that sweater vest dirty.” It’s a fun little in-joke for longtime viewers of the show, who have no doubt taken note of Ryan’s penchant for wearing bright colors and sweater vests. Ryan has never been the most easy-going guy, and he’s clearly in the process of sizing Jesse up–while making sure that Jesse knows his place. Jesse obviously doesn’t appreciate Ryan’s attitude, and counters it with some of his own, which makes me wonder if we’ll see the same kind of friction between them that we saw between Delko and Ryan early on.

With all due respect, this part really has me scratching my head. I can't say I saw any "territorial", "snide", "snarky", "smug", "sizing-up" or "attitudes" at all. It appeared to be quite friendly & playful, imho, & the easy-going banter in the final scene was also nice - I can't say I saw any signs of future tension or territory issues - the boys all seem to get along just fine.

As far as Eddie/Jesse being low-key & humble, I can't quite get the same feel from tptb -- they're heading towards overkill if they don't simmer down some. I like him, & I think Eddie is doing great with the material given - I have no direct issues with him - however, I feel that tptb are trying far too hard to sell the character (whether it's focusing on his good looks & sex-appeal, or on his "all holy" awesomeness).
Not saying I'm not anxious or intrigued to see where he goes, cause I am, but I do hope tptb will tone it down a bit & keep it more subtle. 4 episodes in & we've gotten the glimpse of his mangoods, he's saved a bleeding woman, he's shoveled sand with muscles flexed, climbed a lifegaurd tower, set up a job & residence for a complete stranger, & he can fly a plane. A little can go a much longer way, for me.

I am surprised I didn't see it mentioned in the review that Natalia was completely missing from this episode.
I have to agree with MJ, greatfan and Florry. I didn't see anything negative about the scene either on the parts of ANY of the guys in these scenes. It was a fun scene to me. I think it was meant to be light hearted and fun and show bonding. If anything else, the very last scene of the episode IMHO showed that these three guys are becoming fast friends.

In fact, the first thing I thought of when I saw the Rock/Paper/Scissors scene was of Nick and Warrick and their coin tossing to decide who got the worst job. And we all know that Nick and Warrick were best friends. I definitely think Ryan and Jesse are on their way to being the next Warrick/Nick, only with a third person thrown in (Walter). I always believed that Vegas should have had Nick/Warrick/Greg bonding as a trio of friends. It's sad that they didn't do that more and now are unable to because sadly, Warrick is gone. :(

Ryan and Jesse very much reminded me of brotherly banter in that scene. They reminded me so much of Sam and Dean Winchester from Supernatural. The Winchester brothers are always playfully snarking at each other. Like the episode the other night they were talking about who could have put the spell on the toys (making itching powder cause someone to literally scratch their brains out, making a joy buzzer actually electrocute someone to death, etc) and Dean (the older brother) said something like "Someone with the sense of humor of a seven year old" or something like that and Sam (the younger brother) said to Dean "or you", teasing Dean that he had a childish sense of humor too. But they've always had that kind of banter with each other... and this was the exact same type of feeling that I got from the Ryan/Jesse scene.

They remind me too of McGee and Tony on NCIS who are always snarking at each other, but all in good fun. It is clear they're friends and like each other, but their scenes are funny. Tony with the sandwich in that one ep and McGee begging for some and Tony stuffing it in his mouth. :guffaw: I think Miami's ptb sees how successful scenes like that are with viewers and they are trying to duplicate that with the interactions of Ryan, Jesse and Walter.

The way Walter/Jesse/Ryan interacted in that first scene, I even act this way with some of my cousins sometimes. One will teasingly make a comment about how it's easy to confuse the blonde (me) and I'll pretend like it hurts my feelings and make a mock pouty face (very much like Ryan did when Jesse made the comment about the sweatervest- that scene made me chuckle so hard cause I went "Hey! I've done that mock pouty face before- but it looks cuter on Ryan than it does on me lol) and I've gotten my cousins a couple of times too :lol: ... they've actually believed my feelings were really hurt and they'd look all guilty and say, "I'm just playing with you" and after a second I'd grin and say, "I know, I was playing too." That's what Ryan/Jesse/Walter's scenes reminded me of and it made me smile. Brings back some good memories.
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