Review: CSI: Miami-'Hostile Takeover'

CSI Files

Jesse Cardoza returns to Miami to join Horatio’s team only to find himself taken hostage along with several other lab workers by a desperate gunman.Synopsis:Just returned from Los Angeles, Jesse Cardoza pays a visit to the MDPD to begin his new job working as a CSI on Horatio’s team when a gunman storms the lobby! [...]

Excellent review as always, m'dear. :)

I'm interested to see how Jesse's character progresses as the season goes on. So far, I like him. I'm especially curious if he'll have conflict with anybody. With Adam leaving the show this season, we'll be losing the tension between Eric and Ryan - I'm not a huge fan of it, don't get me wrong, but it's one of the bigger sources of tension that I can think of. Jesse seems pretty chill - I'm curious to see if he'll butt heads with the rest of the team members as they really start to work together.

I know Horatio is the leader, and I know the show revolves around him like he's the star in the middle of a solar system - but dang, I'm kind of sick of it being all about Horatio saving the day. How does the team function when Horatio has a day off?

BTW, I love Bobby Gant, and I wish he'd play a character that wasn't a jerk (he played Felix Redman in the NY episode "Green Piece" last season). :p But I very much Did Not Like Him in the hypothetical flashback where he was jerking the kid around. Oh Bobby, why must you be a convincing bad guy? :( But having it really be the mother that hurt the kid was an interesting direction to take it in. I expected it to be Lloyd that hurt him.

(I still *heart* Bobby Gant. :adore:)