Review: CSI: Miami--'Dude, Where's My Groom?'

CSI Files

The Miami CSIs are on the hunt to find a missing groom after his two friends show up dazed and covered in blood in a fountain. Synopsis: Kim Hewitt’s wedding day turns into a nightmare when her groom, Charlie King, doesn’t show up for the wedding, and his two groomsmen are discovered in a fountain in Miami, [...]

Excellent review, as usual. :)

The episode is such good-natured fun that it feels almost uncharitable to point out the big glaring plot hole: how did Sean end up drugged if he wasn’t at the strip club? What’s more, according to Sean, he’s been sober for three years, meaning he shouldn’t have been drinking at all the night of the bachelor party. It’s the one misstep in a story that otherwise tracks well, but it’s a big enough one that it really stands out.
There was definitely some sort of plot hole unless I missed something. The more I try to think about it, the less it makes sense - so I'm giving up.

I loved Walter, as always - he's awesome. And I also loved when Ryan laughed in their scene after Walter admitted his mom made him take art history. :adore: Also, Dr Loman is a hoot. :lol:

I'm not sure what to think of Jesse completely disregarding protocol at the end - yeah, it worked, but that was a risky and unnecessary move. :wtf:

BTW, I'm used to Horatio having some over-the-top set-ups, but that ending made me throw my hands up in the air. :rolleyes: