Review: CSI: Miami--'Dishonor'

CSI Files

Kyle Harmon turns to Horatio for help when a friend of his from the army becomes a suspect in a murder investigation. Synopsis: Over lunch in a trendy Miami restaurant, Kyle Harmon breaks some news to his father, Horatio Caine: he’s going to be deployed to East Afghanistan the following week. Horatio is concerned about his son [...]

Great review as always. :)

The scene at the end was nice - Horatio actually showed emotion, which I enjoyed. He's not my favorite character, but I do enjoy his relationship with his son. I only hope that Kyle doesn't end up becoming the latest victim of the curse that befalls a lot of the people Horatio cares about - he's going to a dangerous place to do a dangerous job, so let's hope he comes back alive. (I can't see them killing Horatio's son, but Horatio does have bad luck - it's mostly his girlfriends that seem to die, but we can't forget about Speed...I'll just cross my fingers that the writers aren't that mean. :p)

The military aspect and the Muslim aspect of this episode were pretty heavy-handed, though.
I fully enjoyed reading this review -- very nice job. :)

The final scene of the episode, in which Horatio says goodbye to Kyle before the young man boards a bus out of Miami, is full of genuine emotion. Caruso’s delivery pulls at the heartstrings when he tells Kyle he’s proud of him and begs him to “come back alive no matter what.” The time comes for Kyle to go, and Horatio, on the verge of tears, promises “I’ll be right here” and says, “I love you. I love you.” There’s so much genuine emotion in this scene that it makes me hope Kyle will be back at some point—and perhaps become a more permanent part of the show. The father-son dynamic Caruso and Ellingson have established is a strong, vibrant one—one of the most compelling on CSI: Miami.

My thoughts exactly. Those 2 are excellent! I truly hope there's more in store for later seasons -- I don't want to see Kyle go.