Review: CSI: Miami--'Delko For The Defense'

CSI Files

Eric Delko finds himself on the opposite side of his former colleagues when his work as a forensic expert for a defense attorney draws him into a case the Miami team is investigating.Synopsis:After heiress Summer Davenport is found stabbed to death in her home, the CSIs pursue and catch a fleeing suspect, Zach Finley. A [...]

Excellent review as always, m'darling. ;)

I agree with you that a lot about this episode was distasteful. I didn't like the way they used - and laughed at - Zach having AIS in the episode (the 'I'd rather go to jail than tell you' freak out* - as if the truth wouldn't come out in jail eventually, the idea that being with someone intimately can only be done in certain ways - or with a certain part of the body I should say, teaming up with a rapist, etc).

I don't have anything against Eric, but if he's leaving, I think he should just leave. Give him a good sendoff and move on - it feels like the character (and the audience) is in limbo right now.

* I imagine that shame and fear can be very real issues for people with AIS, but when combined with everything else in the episode...yeah, I just wasn't a fan of how it was dealt with. (And the CSI shows rarely deal with such issues realistically anyway.)
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Great review. :)

The only thing I disagree with:

Indeed, the best scene in the episode is the opening chase scene, directed with a frenetic energy by Gina Lamar. The unusual angles and shaky camera work really allow the audience to experience the feel of the chase right alongside Calleigh, Ryan and Horatio. It’s an exciting opening, one that promises a much better episode than what follows.

I didn't really feel like I was experiencing it with them, I felt like I was watching an amateur Youtube video and frankly, it gave me a headache. Even 'Cops' is less painful to watch when they're on foot pursuits. I understand the effect they were going for and what it's supposed to emulate but I honestly could have done without it. Maybe some feel differently but that's my 0.02.

I was a bit surprised too that they didn't mention anything about Natalia's hearing loss one episode later. It's not exactly unheard of with this show but they spent a lot of time clearly showing us that she had an issue. Then again, they certainly seem to be taking their time exposing Jesse's secrets and mystery women too. Hopefully it'll all be addressed sometime by the end of the season.

As for's nice to see that they've placed the character in a position (apparently) where he may be able to return here and there at some point but meh, I sort of feel like there's not much else they can do with his character anyway. *shrugs* It's nice to see a familiar face though.
While this episode was distasteful, I did learn something very interesting: when wearing heels, Calleigh can run much faster than Ryan and Horatio. Thought I'd just point that out.