Review: CSI: Miami-'Bone Voyage'

CSI Files

The CSI crossover begins in Miami when the remains of a girl the CSI team is trying to find are discovered–alongside the remains of a girl who went missing in Las Vegas. Synopsis: A frantic woman named Brenda Tanner comes to the police station to report the disappearance of her daughter, Ashley. Her daughter left her a [...]

Great review, as always. :)

I loved the scene with Walter, Ryan and Jesse! *points at avatar* Classic. :lol:

I'll have to see the whole trilogy before I can judge it as a whole, but individually the episodes aren't as interesting to me - trying to spread the storyline out over three different shows makes things drag a bit for viewers used to seeing things solved in an hour with all of the loose ends tied up (for the most part). And doing an episode with a character from a different show disrupts the chemistry of the established characters - even if the new character's interaction with the others is interesting on its own, for me the show still seems to be losing something despite what it may gain from the new interaction.

BTW, when Horatio kept calling Langston "Dr Ray", it bugged me. Seriously.
I might be the only one who liked Dr. Ray. :eek: There was something cute about it! :lol:

The bear scene was freakin' classic. :D
BTW, when Horatio kept calling Langston "Dr Ray", it bugged me. Seriously.

I noticed that they all called him that. I think tptb may have given him that nickname because Horatio (& the show) already has a significant connection to 2 Ray's already - Raymond Caine, & Ray Jr. -- and didn't want him to be addressed as 'Dr. Langston' because it was too formal & didn't fit with the friendly/personal vibe they wanted to be carried through in their interaction. Just my opinion, I can see why it was bugging though - it nagged me at first too until I thought about the possible reasons why.
One thing of mention from the Miami chapter: did anyone notice that the opening music score from the episode was actually from The Dark Knight? (The Joker theme).

Just a little thought. :p