Review: CSI: Miami--'Blood Lust'

CSI Files

A woman escapes from the clutches of a serial killer, and the team works to track him down before he can claim another victim. Synopsis: Two women are tied up and blindfolded, and they’re trying to escape before the man who attacked them can return. One of the women gets her hands free and quickly [...]

If the scene ended with Michelle outside the hurricane shelter after Bridgette got snatched back inside, it wouldn’t seem so odd, but instead Michelle runs away looking terrified until she collides with a friendly neighbor. Why does she do that? Is she caught up in the role she’s playing? The flashback scene where she smirks down through the opening of the hurricane shelter after the women are pulled back suggests otherwise. Did Michelle and Dennis decide that dragging the police into the mix would make things more exciting? The way it plays out is successful at setting up the episode and painting Michelle as an escaped victim, but once you know the truth, it doesn’t seem logical.

Great review :).

I didn't get that it either and it was pretty annoying the way they manipulated the whole thing to "fit" the storyline. They could've done it differently to begin with.