Review: CSI: Miami--'Bad Seed'

CSI Files

Delko is thrown when he sees a young woman die in the ER and her boyfriend collapse soon afterwards–both the apparent victims of some sort of deadly pathogen.Synopsis:Eric Delko runs across Alexx Woods at the hospital where he’s just been cleared to return to work. Alexx notices he doesn’t seem happy about the prospect, but [...]

Great review, as usual. :)

I gotta say, I actually enjoyed this episode. I loved the scenes with Jesse, Walter and Ryan (they're like the Three Amigos or something :lol:), although the comment about the farmers being ignorant was a bit odd. I'm not sure why the writers chose to have the scene go that way.

I also loved the scene where everybody was lurking in the doorway asking each other if Natalia was done yet, and she was getting exasperated. :lol:

I'm curious to see what else we get before Adam Rodriguez leaves the show for good - I am definitely not convinced that's it for Eric and Calleigh.
The line about the farmers bugged the crap out of me. I felt that it was the writer(s) throwing in their own stereotypical thoughts and it just was not necessary and was not needed in the episode. And naturally they had to give the line to Ryan... so Ryan remains their "whipping boy" (for lack of a better phrase). This character has enough problems, they didn't need to give him that line. I did like though that at the end they showed Ryan (and Walter) going to the farm to help that farmer get rid of the "bad seeds". It was like they were having Ryan make up for his ill-spoken line. But still that line just didn't seem fitting in this episode and surely not for Ryan. If they wanted to keep that line they should have had some random cop in there saying it instead of making it an OOC moment for an established character.

However, the trio of Jesse/Walter/Ryan is hilarious. They are like brothers right down to the silbing like bickering, but they're still friends too. It's like McGee and Tony with a third person thrown in. :lol: It's just funny and this show needed a little of that humor injected into it. :lol: That said, I hope they don't always only pair these three together on cases. Mix it up a bit. I would love them forever if they showed a scene of Ryan and Dave (the AV guy) hanging out after work and playing some Guitar Hero/Rock Band or going to a concert or just anything fun. Kind of like how they had Delko and Cooper hanging out that one time when they came across that body. Dave is just ultra cool and I want to see more of him. :lol:

That scene with Walter, Eric and Calleigh watching Natalia do that test was funny. I love how they all kept going "is she finished yet?" And she was like "will you guys stop?" :lol: The look on her face was priceless. I'm glad they finally gave Eva a significant scene like that rather than just showing her processing without saying a word while the soundtrack plays. :lol:

I do like however that even though this was a bit of an Eric-centric episode, everyone else still got plenty of scenes (besides Frank of course). The screen time balance has been much better this season so far (except last week when Natalia wasn't even there and wasn't even mentioned).