Review: CSI: Miami--'Backfire'

CSI Files

Calleigh’s attempt to save a young man from a burning house puts her life in jeopardy.Synopsis:Calleigh rushes into a burning house to save a boy in jeopardy. Though she manages to pull the boy from the fire, he doesn’t survive—and her lungs, already weakened from a bout with a fire last year, are badly affected. [...]

Great review as always. :)

I wasn't thrilled with the premise of this one. I guess it's good that they're thinking outside the box, but a crime drama shouldn't push things too far. ;) Poor Walter with that draft, though. At least it turned out to be a real thing and not a figment of his imagination or explained by the presence of a ~ghost~. :p

My dad was crotchety the whole time because he doesn't like Emily Procter's acting. :lol:
This episode was so much better than I thought it was gonna be. I actually saw some return of the old Calleigh here and I enjoyed that. The scenes with her thinking everyone was ignoring her were done well... and the scene with her freaking out in the car when she realizes she can see the dead kid... I giggled at that. It was cute.

And Ryan was Ryan again in this episode, so kudos to the writers for getting it right. I liked his scene with Tom in this one. Ryan was playful, teasing like he is with Frank rather than unpleasant like in last week's episode. :lol:

As always Ryan, Walter and Jesse are a hoot. Walter getting spooked by the house and Jesse saying he watched too many Rob Zombie movies (nice shoutout there)... and then Walter leaving the room and Ryan saying he's going with Walter (cause he's freaked out too lol). And later the Jesse/Walter scene with the feather. LOL at Jesse saying feathers don't scare away ghosts. :lol:

Ryan and Nat with the neighbor lady who doesn't know what a buzz saw is. :lol:

The only thing that bothered me was Eric being in Cal's room right up against the bed while they were shocking her back to life after she flatlined. There's no way they'd let him stay that close.

All in all, not a bad episode. :) Although parts of it were a little silly and seemed a little SNL skit-ish. :lol: But still, entertaining episode. :) Worlds upon worlds better than last week. :)