Review: CSI: Miami--'All Fall Down'

CSI Files

In the eighth season finale, the Miami team receives clues from a murderer on a killing spree.Synopsis:The CSIs are surprised when they all receive letters without postmarks and open them to find puzzle pieces made out of plastic transparencies, which they assemble to reveal a depiction of a woman in the crosshairs of a rifle. [...]

Great review as always, Kristine. :)

The cliffhanger definitely has me worried - I'm not convinced that they'll kill anybody off like this, but at the same time I'm not totally convinced that they won't get rid of someone. As you said in the review, they did bring in several new people this season, and with Adam Rodriguez returning full time next year, I'm not sure what will happen. And Natalia has already missed episodes - is it possible they'll do like NY has done this season, rotating cast members out for budgetary reasons? I'd be disappointed if they did that.

Of course, I also like Dave Benton and Travers, so I'd hate to see them kicked off - it seems like they've lasted longer than most lab people on Miami tend to, and I like their occasional interaction with the team.

I'm curious to see where things go next season. I definitely hope we get to see more of Walter and Ryan being hilarious together. Speaking of which, I made this GIF from the mail scene:


Hee! :adore:
Ohhhh! I agree w/ your thoughts, and... I loveeee the pic! ADORABLE! They're banter is awesome. They can't get rid of anyone! It would be depressing, and risky. Everyone has a strong fan base, even the newbies. It wouldn't be fair to ditch them just because Adam wanted to come back after he wanted to leave.

Great review as always.I was really hooked by the finale(one of the show's best finales),I am really worried though about the fate of our characters(especially my favorite Ryan) and I will definitely watch the season premiere in September.
It's going to be Natalia or Ryan who doesn't make it. Natalia because the whole franchsie seems to be shaving off female characters as if they were little more than barnacles on a ship's hull as opposed to, you know, PEOPLE. Ryan because, let's face it, over the past few seasons he's just been the show's Butt Monkey ( Check the Live Action TV section, he's there).
I actually don't think it'll be any of the main characters. I think it'll be Jenn the mail clerk or that girl in the green shirt. And I don't think we can say that the whole franchise is getting rid of female characters just cause Vegas got rid of Wendy. The writers probably felt they painted Wendy in a corner and didn't know what else to do with her other than making her a CSI, which they didn't want to do because then they'd have to use her more.

I'm pretty sure they'll keep Ryan because if they don't, who will they use as their scapegoat all the time? :lol:
It's going to be Natalia or Ryan who doesn't make it. Natalia because the whole franchsie seems to be shaving off female characters as if they were little more than barnacles on a ship's hull as opposed to, you know, PEOPLE. Ryan because, let's face it, over the past few seasons he's just been the show's Butt Monkey ( Check the Live Action TV section, he's there).

Wow, there are a lot of butt monkeys on that list! :lol: Shout-out to Xander Harris, or rather the Buffy writer who coined the term. ;)

The Ryan bit:

Ryan Wolfe has become the Butt Monkey of CSI Miami. He's frequently shown at the crime scene making the wrong conclusions (which another character quickly points out), if anyone's evidence turns out not to be what was expected, it's his, other characters make fun of his wardrobe...basically, everyone except Horatio treats him with total contempt.

It's really been ramped up this season, too.
Well, to be fair Walter seems to like him. It's probable that Walter wasn't on the show yet when that entry was written.
LOL. Tony DiNozzo is mentioned as well. Wow. Never thought of him that way! :lol: Thanks for sharing....

BUT I'm with GNRF... I don't know that they would ditch their favorite scapegoat! :lol: I am just on the side of the fence... it won't be anyone major. And this is DEF one time, I hope I'm right!
It's going to be Natalia or Ryan who doesn't make it. Natalia because the whole franchsie seems to be shaving off female characters as if they were little more than barnacles on a ship's hull as opposed to, you know, PEOPLE. Ryan because, let's face it, over the past few seasons he's just been the show's Butt Monkey ( Check the Live
Action TV section, he's there).
That seems to have at least eased up toward the end of the season for Ryan.