Review: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'The Two Mrs Grissoms'

CSI Files

A murder at a college for the deaf brings Sara in contact with her mother-in-law, and a former member of the team makes a special appearance. Synopsis: Sara is attending a party for the Gilbert Foundation for the Deaf, and she gets a call from her husband, Gil Grissom. He’s still working in Peru. A [...]

Re: Review: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation??The Two Mrs Grissoms?

Great job with your first review, Rachel. I look forward to seeing others from you. :)

This episode brought back many fond memories of Petersen's era on the show. Hopefully the show will be able to snatch him up for further appearances down the line.

As a slight correction (to an otherwise fantastic review), Grissom and Sara kissed onscreen back in Sara's initial departure episode, "Goodbye and Good Luck." I remember it vividly because I think I vomited after the episode finished airing. ;)
Ahh, you are correct. I'll edit the review to reflect that. (Those are the only two kisses, right?)

Thanks so much! :)
Thank's Rachel really good review, you touched every point in the epsiode with power and enticing accuracy. I liked that you mentioned WP's replacement LF and how he's fit in quite well, with the show. [he also said that when he appeared on "The Talk" and got a standing ovation]. All the bases were covered with your review. Good luck and thanks again:bolian:
Excellent review, Rachel!

This is my favorite episode in a long time, largely because of the points you made.
I loved the involvement of the deaf community and thought the guest cast was outstanding. I also hope we see some of them again in the future. And, I thought Jorja did a great job signing throughout the episode. She made it seem very natural. It can't be easy learning a script in 2 languages.
I thought the best scenes were also the ones you mentioned; Betty and Sara, Julia and Sara, Catherine and Sara (it was so nice to finally see some friendly rapport between the 2 female co-stars), Nick and Sara, the ones with Hodges, and of course, the final scene with the Grissoms.
This was the episode I have been waiting for since Jorja returned. I was glad they addressed Grissom and Sara's marriage directly, and not ambiguously like they often do. We learned more about them in 45 minutes, than we've known in 10 years. And it all seemd very organic and nicely integrated with the story. The ending reminded me of a typical GSR scene of the past; it was unique, and very sweet, and made me incredibly nostalgic.

Thanks again for the great review! Looking forward to more. :)
Great review! :D

I thought the scene at the end with Sara and Grissom's mom talking to Grissom on video chat was really sweet. It was nice to see Grissom back for a little bit, even if just on a computer screen!