Review: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'Meat Jekyll'

CSI Files

The CSIs close in on serial killer Dr. Jekyll in the tenth season finale.Synopsis:With no leads on serial killer Dr. Jekyll, Catherine decides to bring in “Dick and Jane Killer” Nate Haskell, who called Langston claiming he knows who Jekyll is. Haskell only wants to talk to Langston, and once across from the CSI, he [...]

Great review, but my opinion of the episode is mixed. :lol:

I definitely agree with you about Jekyll being a big ole nutter in the end - it's a letdown after an entire season of buildup. I wish they'd avoided some of the cliches in the resolution and gone with something epic. We know they can create a really creepy killer - look at Nate Haskell in the very same episode - so it's disappointing that Jekyll couldn't be of that same caliber.

I didn't think they were going to kill Nick, and the preview gave away that someone was going to get shot - so there wasn't much of a surprise there. And I knew 'Papa' was the victim as soon as he gave the first hint of experiencing pain. It's nice to learn about Langston, but...yeah. (Also, wtf drawings on prosciutto? :wtf: That fits more with wacky!Jekyll than clinical-perfection!Jekyll IMO.)

The climax of the Dr Jekyll case was a letdown, but the end with Nate Haskell shanking Langston with the arm of his eyeglasses was pretty badass. :lol: Boy got a steak, a stripper and a chance to shank the hell out of a guy that pisses him off. Not a bad field trip out of the prison, I gotta say. :p I'm curious to see how they use Nate next season (or if they do - it would be a shame if they shipped him back to prison and never mentioned him again).

I did love his comment about the serial killer names, especially Dr Jekyll - that's something I thought of when they first released the name. I'm not exactly a literature buff, but I do know that doesn't quite work. :lol:
Yeah, Jekyll was a guy with daddy issues? Felt he'd been ignored or abandonded emotionally by his father? Really? Can we say: WEAKEST LINK? :lol: Yeesh!

Haskell was good though. He's creepy as hell. :lol: I loved his comments about the serial killer names. :lol: Especially when he said calling him the dick and jane killer makes him sound immature. :lol: And then about Jekyll "hello, he was the good guy". :guffaw:

Loved Nick playing dead and then killing Jekyll.

You know, I was on pins and needles because CM said that a CSI would be in a body bag by the end of the episode (which never happened), so I had to come online and read what happened before I watched. Now I kind of wish I hadn't known cause since I knew, I felt nothing when Ray was stabbed. No shock or anything. I think it would have been more powerful if I hadn't known ahead of time like with Warrick getting shot. Man, that came out of nowhere. I was like "omg Warrick!". But Ray being stabbed having already known about it... takes away the shock. However, even if I hadn't read the boards, I still would have gotten spoiled cause my aunt told me before I watched the ep (course I already knew from the boards lol). Also, some of the shock value is taken away by the fact that they released a while before that LF was returning for season 11, so we know he won't die.
You know, I was on pins and needles because CM said that a CSI would be in a body bag by the end of the episode (which never happened), so I had to come online and read what happened before I watched. Now I kind of wish I hadn't known cause since I knew, I felt nothing when Ray was stabbed. No shock or anything. I think it would have been more powerful if I hadn't known ahead of time like with Warrick getting shot. Man, that came out of nowhere. I was like "omg Warrick!". But Ray being stabbed having already known about it... takes away the shock. However, even if I hadn't read the boards, I still would have gotten spoiled cause my aunt told me before I watched the ep (course I already knew from the boards lol). Also, some of the shock value is taken away by the fact that they released a while before that LF was returning for season 11, so we know he won't die.

That was actually a something said by the writer of the article (2nd paragraph) and not Carol M. If you look her quote ends the sentence before:

“The goal was to push him to the breaking point – because what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger, right? Or maybe it does kill you…” executive producer Carol Mendelsohn cryptically teases. We know that something is for certain: at least one CSI will end up in a body bag by the episode’s end.

I think you could say that the media was taking what they were hearing and making their own assumptions out of it. Obviously this guy was wrong in what he assumed was going to happen. (And quite frankly I'm glad since we knew Nick was going to be shot! :))

I have come to really enjoy your reviews. :D

This episode was so hyped, so dramatized that in the end, it did sort of fall short. But not in the way I thought it would. There was no CSI in peril There was suspense as you said and it was ratcheted up to the HIGHEST even though we knew who Jekyll was before the episode aired.

The best part was Haskell. He had Ray and everyone else at his mercy. So much so that Brass questioned both Catherine and Ray's motives and even pulled the 'Sam Braun' card out on Catherine. Brass knew it wasn't going to end well, but I did love the fact that when Haskell did arrive at P.D. Catherine said, "he's all yours Ray."

The interesting thing to me, I'm surprised I just thought of it now in reading your review was the term Dr. Jekyll used to describe Charlie DiMassi. Someone on the episode thread pointed out, as I'm sure many of us know, that Dr. Jekyll is the mild, mannered doctor and Mr. Hyde is his alter ego. So, with all the mystery surrounding Ray and his past, his failure to give his DNA, etc... the story would have had WAY more suspense and intrigue and been overall more interesting if it were Ray playing the role of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Haskell's comment about "don't you guys read." Had me laughing because that's what I though when he said that...

The team work in the episode was great, no one complained about having more overtime, having to work late, etc... I loved that part.

I did love also Catherine and Vartann's exchange in the break room. A lot was said between them in just a few words. :D

To me this episode was better than I thought it was going to be just because of all the hype around it.

I do look to next season to see some resolution about Nicky's shooting and Catherine's decision as the CSI supervisor to bring Haskell to Vegas in the first place.

Thank you for sharing all your reviews with us this season. I look forward to your reviews for the next. :D
Nice analysis, Kristine! Especially about Charlie. I felt the same way about the miniature killer when she was revealed.
Nick looks to be in decent shape after the shooting and his heroic save-the-day moment, but will he face any emotional or physical repercussions from the shooting?
Mmmmmm....judging from previous traumatic events in the CSI's lives....I'd say that's a no. :lol:

Charlie responds that he’s a “cop killer twice over.” Isn’t he much more than that, especially in his own mind?
So true! Hadn't even thought of that!

Seeing Nick go down was definitely shocking, and though I didn’t think he was dead—the bullet-proof vest and lack of a head wound made it unlikely that he was fatally wounded—it did ratchet up the suspense quite a bit.
I've seen this a lot, but always feel the need to clarify. It was Nick's regular CSI vest...the one they wear with their stuff in it when they don't want to or can't carry a kit, not a bulletproof vest. :) He and Brass wore those in "For Warrick", and they are definitely different and obvious. So yeah...THAT made this even more scary.
Thank's Kristine for the riveting review. I screamed twice when Nick got shot and when creep-show Haskall stabbed Dr. Langston. I thought it was a bit off-the-wall to bring in someone we'd never seen or heard of before the dad and the psycho son. But it was intriguing and suspensful throughout. I was horrified when Haskall stabbed Ray, OMG:eek: but as you stated LF signed up for S/11 [thank's for small favors, he's so engrossing and a 'breath of fresh air' on CSI] and he will survive as Nick did. And I hope we get to see the mystery of him next season, and his his past demons revealed. Now the long hot, boring summer and re-run city:rolleyes:
I was scare when Jekyll shot Nick because when he did it I kinda see like a lot blood :lol:

and one other thing: when the police man goes to see what Jekyll is doing and gets shoot ... I almost got a heart attack !! I didnt imagine that the shoot would be so loud :lol: