Review: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'Long Ball'

CSI Files

After a golfer is found dead during a tournament, the Vegas CSIs suspect his killer could be a family member. Synopsis: The body of former pro-golfer Russell Huntley is found sitting in a cart during a golf tournament. Doc Robbins examines the body, pointing out what seems to be a bullet hole in his neck, with no [...]

Re: Review: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation??Long Ball?

Great review, as usual. ;)

I was pretty bored by most of this episode - probably because golf doesn't interest me at all. There were some good characters and whatnot, but it just didn't thrill me. And having professional golfers didn't help - while it was nice to include *real* golfers, even their few lines suffered the same fate as so many lines delivered by stunt-cast actors: they were bad.

Interestingly, people familiar with golf had some problems with the episode (that's the example I saw, although I'm sure there were more) - so while including real golfers and centering the episode around golf might interest golf fans, those same fans were probably annoyed by the mistakes. :lol:

Also, here's a bit of info about people who were injured/killed by their golf clubs. Interesting stuff.

It took my mom half of the episode to realize where she knew 'Danny' from - even though I said it was Josef from Moonlight as soon as he showed up. Proof that she never listens to me! :lol:
Thanks for the review, Kristine!
I have no interest in golf, and no real knowledge of the game (thanks for posting that article, Faylinn, from the golf blog!), so my enjoyment of the episode was due to the character interactions. I knew none of the golf pros, but I recognized the guest stars, who all did a great job.
Like you, I am enjoying having Jorja back. I love Sara's attitude and wit. As a Sara-fan, it's nice to see her happy (and smiling!) and teasing with the other characters (and maybe, as you mentioned, the fans, as well). It seems to me that her and George's scenes come with a lot of natural, and possibly ad lib, expressions. And I've always enjoyed the natural comraderie of Jorja and Eric.
A great episode for Hodges, also; he's at his nerdy best. I'm not a big fan of Ray, but I do tend to like his scenes with Hodges.
Catheriine had some good lines, too.
An overall average episode for me, and a bit too slow moving, but the cast interactions were great.
I thought the science was featured beautifully in this episode. Loved the Greg and Sara scene. It made me smile when Sara teased Nick about the snowflakes:).