Review: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'Doctor Who'

CSI Files

Langston is shocked to find a murdered reporter was trailing him. Synopsis: The body of a woman named Heidi Custer is found strangled and dumped. The CSIs are surprised to find pictures of the victims of serial killer Dr. Jekyll in her purse. Langston recognizes the woman, telling Catherine she was a reporter who covered the Angel [...]

Excellent review as always, m'dear. :)

Even though it was obvious that they weren't going to catch Dr Jekyll in this episode, they still had me wondering just how Heidi's death was connected - and in the end, it really wasn't. Well it was, but not in the sense that Dr Jekyll was responsible. I think it was interesting how they used the episode to further the storyline while still doing something completely different. The call from Nate Haskell at the end was certainly intriguing, though.

Langston's obsession with Dr Jekyll is hopefully something that won't continue next season. From the very beginning, we've seen that he gets too close to the cases, and I get that - but I hope there isn't a new case every season that lasts so long and gets under his skin so deeply. No character can hold up under that kind of weight. Unless they're aiming for an eventual breakdown of some sort, I hope the character takes a different path.

I do like Langston's friendship with Nick, though. :) And I enjoy seeing Catherine walking that tightrope as a supervisor. Good stuff.
I'm just disappointed they missed the chance to get in some nice in-jokes for fans of both CSI and the show the ep's title referenced. I mean, a brief 2 second shot of Ray walking past a blue police box would've been sweet. Or maybe Catherine saying "Allon-sy!" ;-)