Review: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'Death And The Maiden'

CSI Files

Nick reaches out to a teen boy who is the victim of a brutal beating–and rape. Synopsis: A prostitute discovers a badly beaten teen boy and calls the police. Tommy Baker is taken to the hospital, where he refuses to let Nick photograph his injuries and angrily bats his camera away. Catherine finds semen and blood at [...]

Great review as always, m'dear. :D

It was good to see an episode deal with the very real issue of men being raped - it's something that is generally ignored on TV. And they dealt with it in a very realistic manner. Nick was the best choice to deal with the storyline, and I was glad he was the one who got the focus this time around.

I liked the character of April - she was wrong about Nick, but her assumptions weren't baseless. And in the end, she reevaluated those assumptions and saw that Nick had good intentions. I'd like to see her back - those two could be a very interesting pair. ;)

Speaking of interesting pairs - Hodges and Wendy are adorable. :adore: It was sweet to see Hodges offer to help Wendy out (in a way that was very typical for him :p) despite his own opinion about lab rats becoming field mice - I had to say "awww" when he told her he just wanted her to be happy. Hodges can be an aggravating guy sometimes ;), but he definitely has a sweet side.
I found April to be a bit annoying with a holier than thou attitude. So I'd like to never see her back.

The rest of the episode was well done. CSI has never conquered male rape. And as far as Nick's molestation goes, it's never been brought up again directly, but this episode kind of indirectly approaches it when Nick states if it had been him, he'd kill the attacker. So I think this is as close as we'll get since Vegas tends to not re-visit issues. I think Nick expresses appropriate rage here.

I loved Hodges and Wendy, they are such a sweet couple and I realy liked how Hodges told Wendy he just wants her to be 'happy'. That was my favourite scene in the whole show.
I hated April, seriously. Talk about making a bad first impression. They would definitely be a boring pair to watch because there was absolutely no chemistry, zero, zilch, nada. They need to never have this character on again unless she's interacting with someone else. She doesn't need to be Nick's girlfriend because he deserves tons better than someone who will make assumptions upon first meeting him. Plus that storyline is such a cliche and overused too much in dramas (boy and girl get off on wrong foot, eventually fall in love- its the same formula as all these romantic drama movies or romantic comedy movies- I'm tired of that personally). I've no doubt that there was supposed to be tension of the sexual kind between them, but it wasn't there. And that's saying a lot because George is the type of actor who would have chemistry with a freakin' doorknob. :lol: The two just don't mesh, never will. I hope they never bring her back. I liked the rest of the episode. She was the only thing about it that I didn't like.

Originally this character was supposed to be someone whose beauty comes from the inside. Uh... that's not what happened here. She acted awful towards him to begin with. Not to mention she looks like every other person in Hollywood... just like she stepped off the cover of a magazine. Sooner or later people are going to get tired of that. They need someone who looks like and represents average women.

I don't mind Nick having a girlfriend, but just not her. They do not mesh at all. There is no chemistry.

The Wendy/Hodges moment was cute.
Also thought it was cute/sweet how Greg complimented Wendy and her grateful smile in return was adorable. Loved Greg solving the identity of the shooter.

Everyone got decent screentime. This is the way an episode should be (minus April, obviously).
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This was the second episode of Vegas I watched this year (the other was the premier). I was so impressed with it that I went back and watched the rest of the season :lol:

It really was a great episode, and Nick really shone in it. He's such a great character :D As for April, I have no opinion at this time. We'll see where it goes ;)
It really was a great episode, and Nick really shone in it. He's such a great character :D

Another reason I liked this ep. Both of my guys really shone in it. :D Greg's humor was back with a vengeance (lol I love that expression) and Nick was just great in it. :D
George is the type of actor who would have chemistry with a freakin' doorknob. :lol: The two just don't mesh, never will. I hope they never bring her back. I liked the rest of the episode. She was the only thing about it that I didn't like.

The doorknob comment had me in stituches.

George looks at his script. "You're putting me in a relationship with a doorknob!"

Producer says, "Times are tough, George, we just can't afford any new actors. You'll make it work."
Nick is a good guy and I am glad he was the one that
was dealing with Tommy.He really needed some kindness.April and Nick is an interesting idea and hope to see more of that.

Great review.