Review: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation--'Bump and Grind'

CSI Files

The Vegas team must discover who killed a man whose chopped up body is found in a shredding company’s waste disposal truck. Synopsis: When a shredding company manager discovers a “suspicious ooze” coming out of a truck, he calls the police. When Langston and Nick meet Brass at the scene, they discover what appear to [...]


I think the storyline was unnecessarily complicated, but I did love Hodges being a dork and talking about his 'man date' with Greg. :lol: Poor Greg, though, dealing with identity theft. I'm curious to see if they'll address that later on or if it was just a one-off situation for the episode (even though identity theft can be a major problem for a long time).
Great review.

I do have to say, I loved this episode. To me it felt much like CSI back in the day. Yea, the plotline was a bit contrived, but that's what makes CSI, CSI.

To me this was a shout out to all the long time viewers. Flashes of Spark of Life, Recipe for Murder, and Got Murder all were present in this episode. Again, a nod to the long time viewers as to why we watch and still watch this show.

I loved the team work and the bit of teasing from one another. Catherine's realization that Hodges blabbed about her relationship with the detective. Which I though wasn't big secret, especially after her comment in Meat Jekyll (in the breakroom) about wanting to stay in bed with him. But that's me. ;)

And the end when she got Hodges back for opening his mouth had me laughing. The science camp comment was great. Yet another plus for this episode, how they have worked together for so long, they can gently tease one another.

As for Catherine's relationship, again I'm not sure it's a big secret, but she's not one to talk about those things either. So I guess she was a bit put off by Doc's comment. I'm also with you that I'm hoping that something doesn't happen to Vartann to make Catherine regret not moving in with him. I guess we'll see how the rest of the season goes.

Also what I like is her relationship with Nick. She's happy with Vartann but she and Nicky are still very close. I think she has a very protective nature over him. So it was disappointing to learn that he stopped seeing the counselor. I think she wants to protect him despite every thing he's been through, plus he's her friend.

I have to say, I really enjoyed this episode. This season is turning out to be much better than last season.
Great review right on target. My favorite was the team camraderie all together, nice & so tight. But especially Sara being so strong and compassionate to Ray on the letter from creep Haskell and the "kidney bean" she asked him twice if he was "OK", and the pearls of wisdom at the end was so up-lifting. Don't let him get into your head". He so appreciated that. They work so great together:bolian:
From the review:

There’s no reason Nick should bounce back from his shooting as quickly as he recovered from being buried alive in season five’s finale “Grave Danger”. The opposite seems to be true in Langston’s case, perhaps by virtue of Laurence Fishburne headlining the show.
Exactly. And it's ridiculous. The Haskell storyline has run its course and then some. And if the viewers are anything like me they are more interested in a character they've known and cared about for 11 years now than a "leading man" brought in a couple of years ago, regardless of his "star status".
I think there could be focus on both, but I didn't like how Nick's storyline was seemingly brushed off when what happened to him was just as traumatic as what happened to Langston. I hope I'm wrong, but Nick's whole "I went to therapy twice, I don't like to talk about my feelings so I'm good!" seemed like a brush-off of the storyline, which stood in stark contrast to Langston getting the letter from Haskell.
I think there could be focus on both, but I didn't like how Nick's storyline was seemingly brushed off when what happened to him was just as traumatic as what happened to Langston. I hope I'm wrong, but Nick's whole "I went to therapy twice, I don't like to talk about my feelings so I'm good!" seemed like a brush-off of the storyline, which stood in stark contrast to Langston getting the letter from Haskell.

Well, spoilers indicated that t
he fallout from Nick's traumas would continue through the season,
so here's hoping! :) Haskel really worthy of being in THREE seasons of CSI as he has been?
I'll admit, I kind of like Haskell--he's so deliciously sociopathic--but I'm not really interested in seeing him continue to taunt Langston endlessly. I hope there's a good payoff down the road.
I'll admit, I kind of like Haskell--he's so deliciously sociopathic--but I'm not really interested in seeing him continue to taunt Langston endlessly. I hope there's a good payoff down the road.

I shall bite my tongue and not say what it is I would like that payoff to be. :D
Thanks for the review once again!!!I finally watched the episode and I have to say that I wasn't impressed with the outcome.One of the worst episodes of the season so far.....