Review: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation-'Better Off Dead'

CSI Files

The CSIs are on the hunt for a man who walks away unscathed from a shootout that leaves two people dead and one injured. Synopsis: A shootout erupts in a Las Vegas gun shop, leaving owner Delores Rinaldi dead, her son Hank wounded and Ed Smith, the customer who exchanged gunfire with them, dead as well. At [...]

Great review, as always. :)

This was definitely an interesting episode in the 'all is not as it seems' files. Poor Sam, he just can't catch a break - in a show that's full of unfortunate deaths (and this episode is no exception), it's certainly a change to see someone who seems to have so many unfortunate survivals, if you will. :p

I should have known something was up at the end when he fell for so long - it was good that they saved him, but if he's really determined to die, he'll manage to succeed eventually.

Interesting development with Cath and Vartann. ;) I'm curious to see where that goes.
I thought the episode as a whole was terrible depressing. I guess I couldn't move past the dead dog. :eek:

The story itself was very dark, remnants of previous CSI episodes. And I did like the warm, friendly way Catherine and Sara were to each other. I was nice to see them more as friends and co-workers instead of at each others throats.

I have been rooting for Catherine and Det. Vartann since the end of season 6 but they have never done anything to put them together until now. I know Alex did quite a few things during his break from CSI, I'm glad to see him back. :D
I'm with you, I'm curious to see how they play out this new romance on the show. :D
Great review!
I think this is an episode you can watch again and again from different perspectives, now that you know the end. You can approach it from a terribly depressing viewpoint, or a darkly humorous one. Similar to 'Locomotives' (I think, where the guy starts out in the cement?), things just don't progress the way the main character intends. People (and a dog in this case) die who are completely innocent, but he goes through the epi unscathed.

I liked the variation of the Romeo and Juliet theme.

I also would like to see more of the Catherine and Vartann storyline.

Finally, I loved the way Sara was used in this episode. She had a scene with every character, except Nick, I think. Since a lot her personal storyline has played out, it seems she is being used to advance the other characters' storylines and personalities. And I'm enjoying it.
Nicely done, writers, and Jorja.
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Good review, but I also found it depressing and bunch of sad depressed people, who had nothing in live to live for, that's really pathetic. The cast were better than the story to me, Nick and Greg, Cath and Sara, and Ray and Sara, I've been waiting for them to work together on a case, and the so bonded and were so respectful and kind to one another and so in tune. I hope to see them working together more in the future. :bolian: