Review: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation-'Appendicitement'

CSI Files

Nick, Greg and Hodges’ surprise birthday party for Henry goes awry; Dr. Jekyll graduates to murder. Synopsis: Henry Andrews has the day off for his birthday, but before he can leave to enjoy it, he’s abducted from the parking lot by three masked men! His “kidnappers” turn out to be Nick, Greg and Hodges, who are intent [...]

Excellent review, as always. :)

This episode was hilarious - Henry is officially adorable, and I loved seeing all of the guys on their little adventure. :lol:

I'm curious about the 'Dr Jekyll' thing - I really can't guess where they're going with the storyline. It's very intriguing so far, but I have no idea what it all means right now.

(BTW, I tend to think of the 'Dr Jekyll' thing as referring to the fact that the evidence of evil is on the 'inside' of the victims. Or perhaps illustrating the duality of this evil person who has a certain artistry to what he/she does. Or maybe that the secrets within the victims hint at Dr Jekyll's feelings about humans - that they are toys or that they are to be hated/disdained, which is what I thought of when I looked at the Wikipedia entry for "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde", which I haven't read - I know Wiki isn't the most ~reliable~ source, but when I saw that it described Mr Hyde as 'misanthropic', that's what I thought of. Your mileage may vary, of course.)