Residents Get A Rude Awakening

CSI Files

A mistake while filming CSI: New York left some locals feeling restless.

On August 29, the crew of New York was filming a traffic jam scene in Downtown Los Angeles. The shoot, which took place during the middle of the night, included 30-40 cars parked on Broadway. A member of the production team thought that the scene would be more realistic if the cars all honked their horns at the same time--at 4:30 a.m.

Residents were understandably upset when this occurred. Two days later, Location Manager <font color=yellow>Timothy Hillman</font> issued a written apology to those who were inconvenienced by the honking. "Due to an unfortunate string of events," he said in the letter, "the cooler heads that would have prevailed in such a situation were unavailable to stop this from happening. Once we realized what was going on we halted the honking, but by then the damage was done."

Hillman went on to say that "CSI:NY spends a lot of time filming in the downtown area and we make very conscious efforts to abide by the guidelines of the ever-changing residential/commercial landscape and revitalization of the area. We realize that we are visitors to the area and we wish to show the neighbors the respect they deserve so that we may be welcomed back." He also thanked the residents for allowing them to film in the neighborhood. He ended by saying that the filming process can be a disruptive inconvenience but that there was a positive side to it as well. "t is also important to know that, because we had your assistance, 150 people were directly employed and approximately 75 other businesses received work from us either directly or indirectly, adding to the economy of Southern California and, more specifically, Los Angeles County."

The apology letter can be read in its entirety at BlogDowntown.<center></center>
Yes, I imagine that filming at night must be fraught with problems. But, if I had been woken by 40 cars honking their horns at 4.30am I'm not sure I would be at all appeased by the fact that 150 people were employed or that 75 other businesses had received work! I love my sleep! :lol: Honestly though, who thinks that at 4.30am it's a good idea to do that? All I can think is that said production team were by then also very tired... :p
Couldn't they have dubbed in the honking cars in later. They dubbed other things in later after filming. The honking had to be the decision of one very tired person. I wonder if the residents came out and yelled or when did they decide it wasn't such a good idea. :D
Maybe they did that to get some angry residents into the scene.

Even daytime honking would be bad because there are many professions with night shifts where they would sleep during the day. I should know because I worked midnight shifts at hotels for over 24 years. It is bad enough with the lawn mowers, barking dogs, tree trimmers, loud car stereos, train whistles, etc.
Sounds like poor planning or someone that had a great thought at the moment, then realized later that it wasn't so great. :eek:

Glad the production crew and such apoligized to the residents