Hey, just wondering what ppls thoughts are about this movie! :) It's one of my favorites and im obsessed with it right now! :drool: :lol: XD In case ur wondering what the movie is about.. well its complicated..just rent it or google it!! :guffaw:
I liked it for the most part. I'm a huge Anthony Stewart Head fan. I think his character on Buffy was one of my faves. :lol: it was a weird story, but I kind of liked it.

And now I'm going to talk about the ending. If you don't want to be spoiled, don't read the part in the spoiler bar:

I didn't like that Shy and her father didn't find out about the other guy being the one to poison Marnie. I also didn't like Shy's father dying, but oh well..
I actually clicked on this post, without seeing the other part of the title. :lol: All I saw was Repo and thought it was a thread about the show on TruTV that me and my boyfriend watch. No idea but we get kicks out of it :lol:

I saw the movie ... I cried at the end :lol: of course I cry watching anything :lol: