Remember Me?: A History Revealed -- a CSI: Miami story


Prime Suspect
Chapter 1
       * 15 YEARS EARLIER: *
       Tim Speedle was a senior at Gold High. He and his friends were
walking into their first period classes when they noticed the new guy on
his knees on the floor picking up some papers. Speed and his friends
walked by "accidentally" kicking the new guy, whose name was Jack Taylor.
Jack just looked up at Speed and said "Remember my face. You'll be
seeing it one day when and then you wont be laughing."
Tim was driving towards the crime scene where the victim
was murdered with an ax. When he arrived there was blood everywhere. He
saw the victims parents standing near by crying and asking the police
what happened. As he walked closer he thought he saw something moving in
the bushes but he shrugged it off. Calleigh Duquense and Eric Delko,
colleagues of Speed, were also arriving at the scene. The three Miami
Dade CSI's compared notes on the victim and got to work collecting
evidence. Delko took the bedrooms, Calleigh took the kitchen, and Speed took
the upstairs. After about 5 minutes of working alone, a struggle and then a gunshot were heard.
He looked around but saw nothing. He decided to go outside since no of his other partners seemed to have heard it. When he got outside he heard another shot followed by a sudden sharp pain in his shoulder. He cried out in pain but no one was around.
About 10 minutes later, delko decided to go check up on Speed and his evidence. He looked around upstairs but saw nothing and no one. Delko hear a pain-filled moan coming from outside. So he walked to the window, gun-drawn, only to find Speed outside on the ground bleeding. He ran downstairs, yelled for Calleigh to call for an ambulance, and went to Speed.  Delko asked him where the shot came from. To this Tim responded,"From the bush." Delko walked over to the bush, gun ready to shoot, but instead of
finding someone there he found a slip of paper that read:
"I got you now, Speedle. Now, I'm gonna start taking away all the things you love. Starting with the girl."
Speed, despite his injury, sat straight up in shock. Delko asked "Speed, do you know who did this to you?" "No, Eric, but you go with Calleigh. I'll be fine here until the ambulance arrives." "Okay, Speed. Just don't go anywhere." Delko went into the house to help Calleigh. But when he got into the house all he found was another note.
To Be Continued...
I'm not much of a T/C girl but this has a promising start. Just don't be surprised at all the times I chase you with pitchforks and misc sharp objects demanding more lolol
Chapter 2

The note read: "Remember what Mr.Shane told us in high school
about karma. Well, your about to get yours." After reading this, Eric
decided to keep it and show it to Tim when he felt better.
Eric walked all through the house on his quest to find
Calleigh. But she was nowhere to be seen. So Eric called his boss, Lieutenant
Horatio Caine, and told him what was going on. H instructed Eric to put
out a broadcast for Calleigh but with such little evidence he doubted
that would get them anywhere.
Meanwhile the paramedics were loading Speed into the ambulance
to transport him to Miami General. The EMTs said he was going to be
fine and they released him about 2 hours later. Horatio send Delko to get
Speed at the hospital and as his friend, explain to him about the
situation with Calleigh.When they walked into the hospital, they walked up
to the lady at the front desk and asked here what room Tim was in. "Room
312, third door on your left." "Thanks." Tim was up and ready to go
with a sling on his arm when Eric walked into his room. "Hey Speed, before
we go I need to talk to you, man." "Sure, what's up?". "Tim, it's Cal.
She's gone. We think whoever attacked you kidnapped her. So if you can
remember anything about the attacker it would really help."He showed
him the two notes and Tim's smile instantly dropped. " I think I know who
he is, and where he wants me to go." Once Tim signed the release forms
he got in his car and went back to his old high school. He walked
towards Mr. Shane's room and opened the door with his gun, ready to fire. He
looked around a little bit then saw a note on the desk he used to sit
at. It read:
"You really thought you were sly coming here alone,right? Thought you
were protecting everyone else? Yeah, well, you were wrong. Now, I have
all the evidence you have against me. And you might want to go check up
on that partner of yours."
Delko was really confused as to why Speed just ran off
like that. He called Horatio to catch him up on the news. But as Delko
was rounding the corner to get into his Hummer, he heard a noise behind
him. He turned around and was smacked upside the head with the butt of a
gun. He blacked out while the attacker grabbed his keys and opened the
vehicle's door and grabbed all the evidence from the scene and took it
with him.
Meanwhile Tim was still trying to figure out what happened
to make whoever is mad at him , well, mad. So he sat in his old desk,
just thinking. Finally the ringing of his cell broke the silence of the
room. "Speedle." "Tim, where are you? Eric's been attacked, he's on his
way to the hospital as we speak,"Horatio's voice told him, "He's got a
nasty head wound but the doctors say he's going to be okay." Tim then
put two and two together and realized that they were going to have to
get this guy before he left another note.
I dont know if anyone is reading this, but oh well. heres Chapter 3.

Chapter 3

Jack Taylor had brought Calleigh to an old abandoned warehouse. He had knocked her out with ethanol in order to get her there without a struggle. When she came to, she started asking questions. "Where am I?, Who are you?, Why do you have me?" Finally Jack said. "Fine, I guess I'm obligated to tell you everything. Too bad you cant go and tell your little CSI buddies seeing as I'm going to kill you when I'm through telling the story."
Calleigh was scared after she heard that although she didn't show it. Jack started telling the story, " Well, this all started back in high school when your boyfriend." He started to say until Caliegh interuptted and said, " He's not my boyfriend." Jack ignored her comment and went on with his story," When your boyfriend was bullying me. See, I was the new kid and a very nerdy one at that. Everyday I would go to school and he would knock the books out of my hands then at lunch make me trip and fall then I would have to go and buy a new lunch and have food all over me the rest of the day", Jack started to say, "And I remember one day, I just lost it and told him to remember me because I was going to do something horrible to him. And it hit me just about a month ago. So I looked him up, his address, place of employment, and anything else I could dig up. I found all of that and for the last week I've observed your whole department so don't tell me he's not your boyfriend, Ms. Duquense." Calleigh just sat there, listening, with a blank expression on her face. She knew she could fight, she just didnt know for how long.
Re: Remember Me?: A History Revealed -- a CSI: Miami sto

I think you're doing great for now :) don't be surprised if they aren't many reviews, that's because there are a lot of fics over there and it's hard to follow all of them ;)
Re: Remember Me?: A History Revealed -- a CSI: Miami sto

Chapter 4

Horatio stood over Delko in his hospital bed. H said, "Eric, if you can remember anything, anything at all you need to tell us now." Delko thought a minute and then said, "The perp was wearing shorts and he had a...a scar on his right leg. V-shaped from the ankle halfway up." Speed, who had been quiet up until now, said "No. Eric, are you sure?" "Yeah, I'm sure , Speed. What's going on?" Tim turned to Horatio and said "I know this guy, H. He told me he was going to do something bad to me one day. I used to pick on him in high school. His name is Jack Taylor. He got the scar in a boating accident." "Eric, the doctors want to keep you here overnight to make sure you dont have any permanent damage. That gun hit you pretty hard. We're going to run with this but we will keep you posted. You hang in there.",Horatio told him.
Eric turned to Tim and asked, "Now what were you saying?" Tim replied," The guy's name is Jack Taylor, he got a scar in a boating accident, well actually I pushed him off. He was a real pain in high school, never shut up, so I invited him on a boat ride. I pushed him off hoping then he would leave me alone. The next day I remember him saying something about he will never forget me and come back. I never knew he would hold a grudge that long."
Horatio told Tim to call the lab and ask them to run Taylor through the system. The technician got a hit. "A Mr. Jack Taylor, location 1417 Palm Beach Drive.", said the technician. Speed and Horatio drove to the site and found an empty house. They walked in and looked around. While, Speed was investigating the kitchen he came across a piece of paper that read "317 Oak Street." Tim yelled for Horatio and said "We've got to go check this place out. This is an old abandoned warehouse. I think he might have Calleigh there." Horatio just nodded and rushed outside and into the Hummer.

BTW: Thanks for the reviws, guys.
Re: Remember Me?: A History Revealed -- a CSI: Miami sto

Great story so far :D, just read it. Would have been here sooner but Mel is bossy :mad:. You are doing a wonderful job and I hope to read more very soon. :D

*Begging you to please find Calleigh* "H" needs her. :(
Re: Remember Me?: A History Revealed -- a CSI: Miami sto

Chapter 5

"And that, Ms. Duquense, is why I shot Speedle, kidnapped you, and bashed the other CSI's head in. Neither of them died but you are going to." With that, Jack cocks his gun and puts it up against Calleigh's temple. He is about to pull the trigger when the door bursts open, and Horatio yells "Miami Dade PD drop the gun and step away from the lady." Jack says, "Yeah like you're going to stop me." "Put the gun down now, or I'm gonna shoot you." Jack puts his finger closer to the trigger and Horatio shoots him. Tim ran to untie Calleigh from the chair she was tied in. "Are you okay? Did he harm you in any way?" Tim started to say. " No, I am fine. Thank goodness he didn't try anything except for the whole trying to kill me thing." Calliegh replied. Meanwhile Horatio only shot Jack's arm so Jack was starting to get up when backup arrived from the police department and cuffed Jack and threw him in the police car. Calleigh, Tim , and Horatio got in the Hummer and went back to the hospital to explain it all to Eric. Everyone was reunited and everyone was happy.

This isnt the end keep reading, please.
Re: Remember Me?: A History Revealed -- a CSI: Miami sto

thanks for the review. heres the last chapter.

One week later.......

Everything was starting to get back to normal. Today was the day they would interrogate Jack and get down to the bottom of what had happened. Tim and Eric were doing the interrogating. They brought Jack in there and started asking him questions. "Tell me, why did you do all this? What did this accomplish? Did it make you feel good or something?" Jack said , "You remember I told you I was coming back to get you. Should'va been more careful." Eric said "Get him out of here. Tim, you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "Hey guys, can I have a moment alone with him?"Tim asked."Yeah, sure." Eric replied then left the room and stood outside."Why did you hold a grudge that long?" Tim asked Jack." What do you think? You made my senior year miserable. You made me miss prom because you convinced every girl that I was a loser." Jack replied."So you think killing my co-worker would help?!?"Tim said starting to get frustrated. "No, Tim, I just wanted you to know how I felt." "Umm excuse me Jack, but I dont think some teasing is anywhere near as bad as having a friend die. Officer, bring him to his cell please." Tim spotted Calleigh outside and he walked up to her. He said "Cal, this week has been really hard on all of us. I was so scared when I found out that that creep had taken you. And I've realized how much I really love and care for you." With that, he pulls a black box out of his pocket and gets on one knee and says "Calleigh, will you marry me?" "YES, YES, YES."

Re: Remember Me?: A History Revealed -- a CSI: Miami sto

I'm an H/C girl myself but that was sweet :) Nice work.