Regarding Photo Competitions - - - PLEASE READ


After a bit of a break, I've decided that for now, I will go back to the old format for the photo competitions (i.e. have one theme that everyone enters, and those 3 that get the most points receive banners).

I need to re-think the rules before I do another LPS, but I hope to do another one of those later on in the year some time.

In the meantime, photo competitions will start again on Sunday 22nd April.

Any questions or comments, you can either post here or PM me :)
I understand your hesitation about doing another LPS, but I'm so glad you'll be doing more photo challenges.

Thanks wibble :)
yay! ill be home by then and have access to a camera again. thanks so much wibbs for bringing this back. i know we all appreciate the effort you put into it :)
Sounds like a good plan wibble :), thank you for bringing back the photo competition and for giving up your time to run them. It is appreciated.

I'm looking forward to the first challenge. :)

Thanks for doing another challenge Wibble! I was worried after the LPS that you wouldn't do anything. I'm glad you've decided to do this. I loved the LPS because I learned so much from the other photographers, but I DO understand why you don't want to do another.
That's great news wibbs. Thank you! Looking forward to it very much. :D