Real Csi



I had the real life Csi's in my house today as I was broken into. fortunately for me my alarm was set and the speech dialler contacted me, so I called a neighbour and he apprehended the culprit (with slight violence)so two female csi's attended, unfortunately neither wore orange coloured specs or 4 inch high heels so theres another couple of fantasys ruined but I got to watch them collect DNA, fingerprints and footprints and I have a souveneir beer bottle covered in aluminium based fingerprint dust......happy day
Was pretty cool except that bit although another scumbag is off the streets as a result rather me than someone's mum/gran etc
when our house got broken into only one cop showed up, but only one thing was missing (really strange) so i guess it wasnt of high importance. he could have at least been good looking like nick or warrick!! :devil:
i had one too
my family business was robbed
me on the front-counter

i wasnt watching the front.. they grabbed a black first aid box. gave it back...then they grabbed me..the other guy jumped over and stole the cash box
and ran off

the CSI ppl dusted the first aid box.. DAMN hard to clean :D
and another story.. my dad was attacked and they dusted the car, etc... dont wanna talk about it
There was a break-in at the shop I worked at last year, so I got all cheery to work and saw all these Dutch CSI people dusting and doing their jobs and then my boss said that I could go home.. I was like: "pffftt, yeah right, and miss this!?" :)

They broke into my dad's car in Prague last year and the Forensics came over.. my best holiday ever :lol: Well, no it wasn't actually :rolleyes:

And when they broke into my housemate's room and the police came over the only thing they took were some shoeprints they found.. that was rather interesting to look at though.. the CSI-dude didn't think so though, with me looking over his shoulder.
Wow, you could supply the writers of the series with a whole season of story ideas.
Yeah you'd almost expect that I have something to do with it :rolleyes: *whistles* :lol:

And once I found a bloody stick of an umbrella on my way to school so I dialed the police and they came by and just picked it up (with their bare hands!!!) and put it in their car.. they didn't even bag it!! So I was like: "uhm, do you need my phonenumber or something?" they were like: "nope, you can go to school now, thanks." Can you imagine how disappointed I was, I was positive we were going to look for the crimescene. :(
Sorry to hear about your house being broken into. My partner, Rob, IS a real CSI/Fingerprint expert for the Met Police in London and has been doing the job for 28 years. We are both big fans of all the CSI shows but, there are so many mistakes made especially when, indentifing fingerprints, use of the dusting powder etc. We know most of the forensics on the show are of a genuine nature and are used in real life. If all police forces around the world could afford to have the equipment and lab facilities, that they use on the shows, it would be great and make my partners job a lot easier. Anyway thats enough of me moaning. I am not to sure about CSI NY. I just can't seem to get into it as much as the other 2 shows. I think, maybe, its something to do with the fact that when I see the 2 lead players I still think of Providence and Apollo 13!!

Karen in the UK :D
It sounds cool when you get CSI's at your front door.... its much better when you are actually out with real CSI's
I went out on work experience with CSI's from South Wales.. showing me how to do fingerprinting with aluminium powder... not a good idea when wearing black trousers... and they showed me how to deal with victims of burgelaries etc.... it was pretty cool
That sounds really cool.

I can see about the black pants thing lol. Sounds troublesome.

My mom and I are living with my aunt and uncle and they had a break in some months before we came here. I only found out a little about what went on but apparently there was fingerprint powder all over the place afterward. I can imagine trying to vacuum and dust it all up when it's all over.
My uncle is a CSI and got speacial permission to take me along to a murder in Flordia as a vacation. My rents were all r u sure you want to do this I was all heck yeah. It was a really nasty one to. Triple murder all preformed in the same house and all 3 victims were killed differently. 1 hung off the balcony (classified as a suicide stupid right) 2. Mutalated. 3 decapataded. (It was so cool) Then as a really cool treat they let me use luminol where they were almost positive blood was but they were like so wrong. Then I showed them where I thought the suspects blood was (under a railing by the balcony because there was only a small amount and I was so right!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D *:0) 0:)
Waait I have to ask medicalexaminer did you see the bodies? And your lucky to help them out. My mom is friends with CSI people so she said she talked to them and during the summer they said I can hang out with them and they'll show me stuff like finger printing and all that fun stuff. I seriously can't wait!
I found out one of my chat friends is studying to be a CSI in Florida-we're talking about it right now actually. It's a twice weekly fic chat from Yahoo. Anyway, the rest of us group memebers have a lot of respect for her for doing it.