Ratings Round-Up

CSI Files

The franchise continues to pull in the most viewers for their timeslots.<p>On Monday, <I>CSI: Miami</I> came out on top again with 13.66 million viewers and a 4.0 rating/10 share in the 18-49 demographic. The season finale of <I>The Bachelor: London Calling</I> came in second for the 10:00pm hour with 9.19 million viewers and a score of 3.3/8. <I>Medium</I> came in third with its season finale, pulling in 8.57 million viewers and 2.9/8 in the 18-49 demo.<p><I>CSI: New York</I> (11.63 million overall viewers) came out ahead of both <I>Law and Order</I> (8.60 million) and <I>Boston Legal</I> (7.68 million) on Wednesday at 10:00pm. <I>New York</I> also beat the competition in the 18-49 demo, earning 3.0/7 in the first half-hour and rising to 3.2/8 at 10:30pm. <I>Law</I> had 2.5/6 (rising to 2.9/8), and <I>Boston</I> had 2.2/5 (rising to 2.3/6).<p>The season finale of <I>CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</I> drew in 17.73 million viewers, earning the number one spot over <I>Grey's Anatomy</I> (15.18 million). In the 18-49 demographic, however, the ABC series continued its dominance over the crime drama. <I>Grey's</I> had 5.9/15, which beat <I>CSI</I>'s 4.7/12.<p>Check out more detailed ratings information for <A class="link" HREF="http://pifeedback.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/63310451/m/611109021">CSI: Miami</a>, <A class="link" HREF="http://pifeedback.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/63310451/m/588106121">CSI: New York</a> and <A class="link" HREF="http://pifeedback.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/63310451/m/905108121">CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</a> at PI Feedback.<center></center>
Well, if I were CBS execs, I wouldn't break open the champagne just yet. Those numbers are bad, especially for season finales. They are losing viewers and not attracting new ones. And the other networks seem to be in worse shape. Do they think it will improve after a 4 month summer hiatus? Doubt it.
^^ but in comparison to the other shows, they are still really good. Look at Greys, with not even 16 mil. American idol is barely getting 20 mil. Its every show...and relative to other shows, CSI is still doing fantastic, for all three shows.
^^ but in comparison to the other shows, they are still really good. Look at Greys, with not even 16 mil. American idol is barely getting 20 mil. Its every show...and relative to other shows, CSI is still doing fantastic, for all three shows.

Well, I did say that the other networks were in worse shape. GA has been affected more by the writers strike, it's been around the same since coming back. CSI came back from the strike with 20 million and now it's down to 17m for its season finale; I don't call that fantastic. And AI is also down, but it's getting 22-25m. CSI is the most stable of the scripted shows, but it is still a fact that its viewership is decreasing.
I don't think the rating's drop means a lot. It's true that fewer people are watching these shows on TV, but they have also gained a lot of viewers who don't usually watch the shows on TV with the online-broadcasting (with ads before or after the show but no interruption during it) and iTunes. Furthermore, when you click to watch a clip on the official websites of the shows, there's always an ad before the actual clip plays. So, the ratings may have dropped, but I doubt it's the same with the profit the shows are making. Ratings nowadays don't really mean as much as they did a few years back.
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Ratings nowadays don't really mean as much as they did a few years back.
This is true for the networks, but the local affiliate broadcast stations are getting whacked. This will become a problem for the networks, figuring out how to survive if the local stations change alliances or just fold up. A network with fewer stations is a weaker network. :rolleyes:
Re: Faces of Finland

Uhoh. I think spammers are trolling this board. The linked texts are written in Chinese and they're obviously some ads for cheap plain tickets. lol.
Ratings nowadays don't really mean as much as they did a few years back.
This is true for the networks, but the local affiliate broadcast stations are getting whacked. This will become a problem for the networks, figuring out how to survive if the local stations change alliances or just fold up. A network with fewer stations is a weaker network. :rolleyes:

Yep figures can and do only say one thing, lets though take into account that CSI is watched all over the world, minus a few countries... Not only that, also take into account that with the rise of as one poster said Itunes, etc, the internet where you can download a missed episode... In the Uk, you can download and watch a tv show that you have missed- im sure that its the same in the States and Canada... On the BBC, they let you watch it for once and keep it for a month before they deleat it... On the station where CSI is actuarly shown, you can buy a season ticket sort of where you can download the whole season for a price...

What im saying is in that instance do the raitings count then?

And what about international raitings?
So raitings can and do only say so much....