Ranking Of Fastest-Growing States


Head of the Day Shift
Below are the Census Bureau's population estimates for each state, for 2007. The states are listed in order of rate of population increase from 2006-2007!


Nevada :D


New York
Rhode Island

FULL LISTING and increases!

California's in the middle at #25, which doesn't surprise me. My best friend lives in Missouri, and she said MO is becoming Cali East. People are fleeing this state, and I'm sad to see it. :(
Oh, good. West Virginia is not last at something, for a change. Close, but not last.
Good to know that Wisconsin isn't growing too quickly. Ofcourse I don't think they counted the cows...they out number us anyways. :D
wolfesgamergirl, at least that is what is helping keep the ice cream stores supplied. Thanks, Wisconsin.
Yep, Wisconsin may not be the queen of cheese anymore, but we sure do supply enough of it. :lol:

It's interesting to see that New York in the bottom five. And that the top 4 are in the South-Southwest region. What's there that's so interesting anyway? *looks out side to see the endless pit of snow* Oh, right.
^Heh, that much snow would keep me away, although I'm just a little bit jealous since it's only snowed once in Maryland, and when you guys have gotten snow, we've gotten lots of rain. Of course, give me a couple of feet of it and I won't be so nice about the snow!

The Southwest is probably the fastest-growing region due to an increase in Latino immigrants from South America, who also tend to have larger families. The fairly rapid increase in population will have interesting ramifications in states that have big water issues because of the amount of desert too.
I'm not surprised New Jersey is way low, but I am surprised that the change is actually positive. I know that a lot of people are leaving this state, considering the complete ass-hats we have in the state government, especially our ass-clown governor. Sorry for the word usage, but that is the only way to really describe the NJ government the past 10 years.
Springmoon said:

The Southwest is probably the fastest-growing region due to an increase in Latino immigrants from South America, who also tend to have larger families. The fairly rapid increase in population will have interesting ramifications in states that have big water issues because of the amount of desert too.

Actually you are correct on the Latino population, and their great, they make up a hugh employee ranking in our hotels and casinos! And on water issues, we've got many rivers and also Lake Mead, but drought conditions are always present! but right now, we're fine, the draw, is the weather..zillions of jobs and fun-fun-fun!
