Questions on "The Thing About Heroes"


Hello Board,

first of all: Hello, I am Alex. I am addicted to CSI ;)

Second, this post may contain SPOILERS about the CSI:NY episode "The Thing about Heroes"

So, if you still plan on watching it, return to this post when you did.

I have several questions about this episode:

Q1: How could Stella be so sure the Train was connected to Mac's case? "It is definitely connected to your 333 stalker". Excuse me, on what evidence?

Just because the 3 Train happened to stop at 33rd Street? Also, Danny stopped the train. Where would it have stopped if Danny had not destroyed the controller. Now don't tell me Andrew anticipated exactly that move.

Question 2: Mac sees the body, and immediately recognizes who this guy is? How? He does not suspect, he is sure.

Question 3: He then talks to Timmy, and he believes he is the only suspect. So he casually approaches a guy whom he must believe brutally slayed an MTA guy in the morning? Mac is self confident, but I would have thought he would have done some sort of background check, or gotten some sort of backup.

Question 5: In "The Deep", Stella finds gold coins on a body, and goes to a jeweller, where she meets Andrew. In "The Thing about Heroes", Stella says: "He found a way to bump into me at the Antique store". Again, I ask: How? Is he psychic?

Can anyone help me with these?


Welcome to the board :)

Erm i'll have a go at asking....

Q1... Erm I actually think that Drew planned for the train to crash killing mac's 'family' because in someway Mac comtributed to Drew's brothers death because if he had pulled the trigger when he first picked up the gun Drew's brother may have survived!

Also Drew planned the 3 Train and 33rd street in wasn't a coincidence!

Q2.... I'm not sure what you mean? I think he just puts two and two together so to speak. He knows that that is the only thing in his life that someone would have considered him a cowerd- that's why he meets with Jimmy.

Q3.... His names Jimmy (I think) and him and Mac were friends when they were youger so why would he do a background check??!?

Q4.... Erm i'm not sure how he first new she'd be in the shop but maybe she was talking about when he took her card (but i'm not sure about that question :))

I hope I helped but I'm sure Top will fill in the gaps :D
Welcome to the forum! :) In the future you might be better off asking these kinds of questions in the relevant episode grading thread. ;) But here are my thoughts on it...

Q1: There was a stopped train car at 33rd street, so the car Stella, Flack, Hawkes and Lindsay were on would have crashed into it there if Danny hadn't stopped the car. Presumably that's how Drew knew that, and knew that the train would crash there. He probably figured it would kill Mac's team, and Mac himself would connect it at some later point.

Q2: Did he recognize the body right away? I thought he had finally put together the pieces with "coward" and a 30 year old body. Presumably what happened in his youth was pretty traumatic and it came to mind once the evidence started piling up.

Q3: That was kind of stupid, but Stella did the same thing with Drew an episode back. It seems to be par for the course with the CSIs. Also, I don't think Mac was totally sold on it being Jimmy.

Q5: I assume he'd been stalking/following her for weeks (he did have surveillance photos) and chose that moment to make his move.

Hope that helps! :)
Oh man, that was pretty funny! And we pretty much posted at the same time. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good point about Drew wanting to take out Mac's "family"--that really is what his team is to him. I imagine that's why he lured Mac away from NY to Chicago--Mac would realize what it's connected to, and then get the call that his entire team has been killed. Evil plan, Drew! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Well lets face it- we knew that they would survive, I mean what would they do if they killes all the team! Well you could call it an end of season cliff hanger due to the writers strike! :rolleyes:
Thanks for the ideas. I read the Episode Grading Thread, but I think I read "No Spoilers" in there, so I decided to open this seperate thread in here.

Will go to the grading thread next time


Thant is spoilers about up and coming eps because i you think about it... how can you grade and discuss an ep if its considered a spoiler!?!?!
I really like that Mac considers his team his 'family'. I think Stella probably does too, as she was raised in an orphanage and foster care. I'm assuming then that Mac's parents are dead (we know his father is) and he has no siblings. Poor Mac. I'm glad he has Stella and the others.
below said:
Thanks for the ideas. I read the Episode Grading Thread, but I think I read "No Spoilers" in there, so I decided to open this seperate thread in here.

Will go to the grading thread next time



It's just 'no spoilers' for future episodes, so as long as you stick to the episode being discussed or ones that came before it, you're fine. :)