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Police Officer
We got the first season of this series on DVD for Christmas. We'd only seen a couple of the eps before - enough to know we liked it, but so few that it definitely made buying the DVDs a smart idea - we're really enjoying it.
It reminds me those 80s TV shows like "Remington Steele" or "Moonlighting" because it's a blend of mystery and comedy. Unfortuntly (for me, anyway, being the shipper I am) it doesn't have as much of the romance angle as those shows did. There is a *hint* of romance, as it's pretty obvious that Shawn kind of has a crush on Juliet, the lady cop, but she's sort of a secondary character; Shawn's main interaction is with Gus.
Main thing we debate around here: is Shawn's Dad a good father or a bad father? In the flashback scenes, he's always being critical of "little Shawn" but it's also apparent he was a very involved father, taking his son to the beach and out to dinner, chaperoning on field trips, etc.
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