
Head of the Day Shift
Passed away 10 years ago today, was her death a tragic accident. or something more sinister? I loved her and was beyond distraught with grief, & kept saying over and over why-why-why, and the funeral with Elton John singing, those were such dark days for the world :( she was magical, and a wonderful beautiful person.. they've had memorial services all day here! poor Harry & William... ps, if you ever get a chance rent 'THE QUEEN' amazing, fantastic.. how the monarcy dealt with her death and Tony Blair, one of the best movies I've ever seen, so many things I never knew!
I remember being with my dad when this happened. We were in Oregon and my sister and I tried to distract him while he was on the phone while holding up the local paper. The headline read..

I remember being so distraught for a while afterwards

Her sons remember her being a very caring and loving mother. I'm sure that she would love to know that :)
Prince Harry's tribute to his Mother at her 10th anniversary memorial was really beautiful and truly from the heart.

I can still vividly remember the day she died. It was Sunday morning and we were supposed to go to my Uncle's for lunch and before we left our house, I checked CNN and BBC and she was all over the news. First that she was brought to the hospital with no word if she was still alive and finally, the news that she was well and truly dead. When we reached my Uncle's, we were all glued to the TV, watching with bated breath. It was such a surreal experience to say the least.

I cried my heart out watching her funeral. I've been a great admirer of Diana ever since I was a little girl so the loss was almost personal, which I'm sure many people all over the world felt as well.

She truly was amazing. She touched so many people's lives and she will never be forgotten, I'm sure.