Preview DVD Special Features For All 3 'CSI' Series

CSI Files

CBS has launched a new website called The Art of TV on DVD, which offers previews of the special features available on the upcoming DVD box sets for 18 different series—including all three members of the CSI franchise. The Miami section has segments from the “Twist of Eight: Season in Review” and “Blast to the [...]

The special features look interesting - too bad I'm too poor to buy the DVDs any time soon. :lol:
I'm such a DVD junkie--I want them all! :lol: I love special features--it's so fun to hear them talk about making the show, and I love to see what the writers and directors look like. Nelly's comments about Flack were hilarious. :lol: CSI looks like it has some really fun commentaries. I wonder why NY doesn't have a season overview special feature the way CSI and Miami do...