Press Freedom Index 2006


Master of the Moos
This was in the news last week.
Reporters Without Borders do this index every year.

Article and Country List Here

So four countries on top: Finland, Iceland, Ireland and Netherlands

(I seriously think we shouldn't be there ;) )

US is quite low on the list... but I don't think it's a surprise.It's a surprise in that case if you think how much they talk about "freedom" and "democracy"

Your thoughts?
Well I expected holland to be high in the list but no1 *shocked* I think every country has its propaganda and hidden agenda through the press so if it is real freedom press. dunno!

I expected the USA pretty low on it! Just because it is not as free as it seems... but that has been known for years now???
Yeah here in the US the first admendment is pretty much gone. I ust skimmed the list but I'm not surprised about the countries on the bottom.
Here it's the news about the good ol' neighbour Russia, who we still don't critizise as well as they could. Unlike other countries.
Canada- 18
United States- 56

Both counries are similar in the way they handle politics/press. It's very interesting how much they differ on positions in the list. I always thought they'd be very close together, but obviously not according to the list.

It seems Finland is the place to be these days. ;)
Yeah... I can't believe such a lame nation/people can be on top in so many things :p (this and education 'n stuff) We are also least corrupted.
DaWacko said:
Yeah... I can't believe such a lame nation/people can be on top in so many things :p (this and education 'n stuff) We are also least corrupted.

Hehe more reasons to go back there for me :lol:
Lebanon 107? :lol: I really thought we had more freedom of press than USA... but okay.
Yeah the USA thing isn't really shocking, I would've wet my pants if I read that years ago, but right now its obvious.