Peter Lenkov

CSI Files

<p><i>CSI: New York</i>'s fifth season has gotten off to a strong start, boasting both exciting stories and impressive ratings: in a climate in which most shows are shows are losing viewers, <i>CSI: New York</i> is gaining them. Executive Producer <font color=yellow>Peter Lenkov</font>, hard at work writing an episode for the fifth season, took time to give CSI Files' <font color=yellow>Kristine Huntley</font> a quick preview of what's to come in the show's fifth season, and also to discuss the major revelation that Danny (<font color=yellow>Carmine Giovinazzo</font>) and Lindsay (<font color=yellow>Anna Belknap</font>) will learn they are expecting a child in an upcoming episode.<p><b>CSI Files:</b> Obviously the big buzz in the franchise right now is the news the news that you're going to be writing Anna Belknap's pregnancy into CSI: NY. How was this decision reached?<p><b>Peter Lenkov:</b> Anna getting pregnant? I'm afraid that was a decision between Anna and her husband. Seriously, I think we just decided instead of hiding it, we should embrace it; after all, Danny and Lindsay are in a relationship and the idea of a baby felt very organic, and would allow for us to develop these characters even further. I think we all want to see these characters grow and mature, and this felt right.<p><b>CSI Files:</b> Is it true that plans to bring back Danny's other love interest, Rikki (<font color=yellow>Jacqueline Pinol</font>), and to introduce a new man for Lindsay were changed or scrapped because of this real life development?<p><b>Lenkov:</b> The storyline did indeed change... but don't write off Rikki just yet.<p><b>CSI Files:</b> What's the status of Danny and Lindsay's relationship right now?<p><b>Lenkov:</b> Danny and Lindsay are together, and you will get a better idea of where they stand when you see episode 509. We believe the baby might have been conceived at the end of last season when Danny invited Lindsay over [in <A class="link" HREF="">"Personal Foul"</a>], and although we never got to see what she decided to do, we believe she went over.<p><b>CSI Files:</b> Fans are still a little confused as to the status of Danny and Lindsay's relationship last season. Were they in a relationship in season four? Did Danny actually cheat on Lindsay?<p><HR ALIGN="CENTER" SIZE="1" WIDTH="45%" COLOR="#007BB5"><p>To read the full interviews, please click <A HREF="">here</A>.<center></center>
:lol: He doesn't give much away, and I definitely don't get his sense of humour.

I have to say that I'm surprised that Danny and Lindsay are supposedly together. I just don't think they have shown that at all recently.

eta: I'd love it if they did show some of Sid's life outside of the morgue. I bet he'd have a fascinating life. :lol: And multiple arcs for all the characters does sound great, I hope it comes to fruition. :)

Thanks for the new interview, Kristine! :)
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Iiiinteresting. I'm with Elsie on the assertion that Danny and Lindsay are and have been together this whole time and a baby right now is an 'organic' growth from that. Buzzuh? Show, don't tell, PTB.

But I'm so glad they'll finally tell us the status of Danny and Lindsay's relationship...right when they tell us she's pregnant. No lead-up. I know they had to kind of do a rush job because Anna's belly wouldn't wait for them to space it out ;), but a bit of lead-in would have been nice. Oh well, we'll see how it turns out - hopefully better than I'm anticipating, obviously.

Why can't they just say 'this is when she got pregnant?' Why do they have to act like even they don't know? You're the writers, what you say goes - just pin down a time. I know the time you've suggested makes them both look bad, but either embrace it or make up something else.

I'm glad Rikki is still coming back - but I hope it's not just to add to the dramaz. It would suck to see her character reduced to that after she'd been created and acted so well last season (love or hate the storyline, it was gritty and believable, and Jacqueline did a good job).

Roses? Hell no. What's a drama without drama?
I'm glad to hear that, at least - I didn't really think it could be all flowers and sunshine, but I did have my worries that they might go that route. Let's hope it's not too dramatic, though. Balance will be the key.

I don't think we're going to spend any more time on Ruben. It was a great, emotional ride, but that ride ended.
Sorry, but I gotta admit that part pissed me off. 'Oh no, having a kid won't remind Danny at all of that kid that died in his care a few months ago. Lindsay's poonani has the power to totally erase memories.'

I'm glad there's more going on this season than just the baby drama, but I'm a bit disappointed that he wouldn't divulge a few little tidbits. Boo! :p Then again, I guess it's more important to answer all of the questions the show never answered about their relationship and give explanations about how this is supposed to work - a bit of preemptive damage control, perhaps?

Anyway, thanks for the interview, Kristine! And thanks to Peter for taking the time to answer the questions, of course. I'll be interested to see how things turn out. :)
My reaction to the comment that they're not going to leave any loose ends: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: That statement is going to come back and bite him in the ass, me thinks.

But I guess he's right. Danny not having any further problems with Ruben's death - especially since he is now going to be a daddy himself - isn't a loose end but a huge ass BHC! Maybe Louie will keep Ruben company. :(

Also, when Danny and Lindsay ever had a "relationship" was one big ass loose end and unless they actually address it on the show we still have no idea what their status is. Lenkov and everyone else associated with the show can tell me they're together till they're blue in the face and gasping their last breath. I don't believe it with what's happened on screen. I can understand wanting the audience to draw some of their own conclusions, but the whole DL story line from the beginning has gone way beyond that. Here's a hint, Mr. Lenkov and the rest of TPTB, when the actors themselves aren't sure what their characters are supposed to be feeling, you need to spend a little more time establishing their relationship. :rolleyes: :scream:

Conclusion: Bad storytelling is bad.

ETA: I'm glad I wasn't a reporter who had to sit and listen to Lenkov. I don't think my follow-up question of, "So, Danny, the most emotional character on the show is going to find out suddenly and unexpectedly that he's going to be a father and that will in no way make him think of the 10 year old child for whose death he feels responsible?! What the f*ck are you people smoking!?!?!?!" would go over very well. :shifty:
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For a moment i thought Ausiello's virus was affecting the whole world and morphed planet Earth on this new Octupus DL Dimenssion argh

Loved his sincerity
What's a drama without drama?
yeap. Every soap opera needs it for sure

The only thing i can say the script will have to be a GOOD ONE to convince me
they are happily in love (yeah right)

Actually i will have to be convinced of watching 5.09 (a total waste of time if you ask me)

Regarding Ruben and Danny not being affected...well. Since this pregnancy took place we are in the Twilight Zone. Not surprise Danny won't be affected by Ruben's loss. Actually i wonder if when Rikki is back she will remember she had a child before

On the other hand i would have been very grateful to know something concerning Stella

Aparently Peter did mean it when he said "our heroes". It's the first time i hear Lindsay is the main female character

(And it's the first time in 8 years Peter pi**ed me off so bad grrrrrr

Peter, je t'aime mais tu est vrai mal de tête


ps: Thanks Kristine :D

ps2: I hate to be sarcastic but i'm honest. I can't hide i find this story, silly
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Thanks guys! :)

ETA: I'm glad I wasn't a reporter who had to sit and listen to Lenkov. I don't think my follow-up question of, "So, Danny, the most emotional character on the show is going to find out suddenly and unexpectedly that he's going to be a father and that will in no way make him think of the 10 year old child for whose death he feels responsible?! What the f*ck are you people smoking!?!?!?!" would go over very well. :shifty:

Well, to be fair...the Ruben storyline really was addressed with more depth and in greater detail than most stories in CSI shows are. And I can see his point: for Danny, this is happy news and his focus is probably going to be on the road ahead rather than that behind him.

That being said, maybe Ruben doesn't come up directly, but we're supposed to infer that he's on Danny's mind when Danny takes this big pensive ride on his Harley that Carmine mentioned in TV Guide?

On the other hand i would have been very grateful to know something concerning Stella

That's definitely my bad, not Lenkov's. :eek: I somehow missed asking a direct Stella question.

I was trying to get at the stuff with Mac and Stella when I asked about one of the characters' jobs being in jeopardy since we've heard rumors that person is Stella, but I can understand why Lenkov didn't want to give too much away on that front.

I should have asked a specific question about Stella--I'm sorry! :eek:

Aparently Peter did mean it when he said "our heroes". It's the first time i hear Lindsay is the main female character

I think he meant "heroes" in a general term--all of the characters are really "our heroes." Remember the episode "Super Men"? The idea that came across in the end was that all of these characters are heroic. I don't think that was specific to Danny and Lindsay--they're not the only heroes on the show, and they're certainly not the leads. One look at the cover of any of the CSI: NY DVD boxes handily proves otherwise. ;)

I wouldn't be too hard on Peter Lenkov, guys. The writers have to do what they think is best for the show; they can't (and I truly believe, aren't) cater to one group of fans or another. The fact is that Anna's real life pregnancy changed the game in season five. I've certainly got reservations about the storyline, but I'm also willing to sit back and see what happens. One thing I do know: we've had some great storylines from these writers, and like anything else, I think it's best to wait to see how it plays out before assuming it will be the worst thing to ever happen to CSI: NY.

Also, just a quick note as to the focus on the D/L news and brevity of the interview: the D/L news is certainly the biggest buzz in the CSI franchise this side of Warrick's death, and I thought it would be nice for CSI Files to run an article about the news. It's a very, very busy time for Mr. Lenkov at the moment, and I'm grateful he was willing to sit down and answer the questions right now so that we could run a timely story!
I wouldn't be too hard on Peter Lenkov, guys. The writers have to do what they think is best for the show; they can't (and I truly believe, aren't) cater to one group of fans or another. The fact is that Anna's real life pregnancy changed the game in season five.
I don't think it's so much that people want to come down hard on Lenkov or Veasey or anyone in particular - just a general dissatisfaction with the way things are going. We's some opinionated biatches. :p

But I still love Peter (and Pam)! :lol:

the D/L news is certainly the biggest buzz in the CSI franchise this side of Warrick's death, and I thought it would be nice for CSI Files to run an article about the news.
And I certainly get that. It's still frustrating when that's all anybody seems to be talking about. ;)
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I should have asked a specific question about Stella--I'm sorry! :eek:
I didn't know you were Kristine :D !!!! and It doesn't matter, next time please. I'm dying for Stella's news here :D

As Fay said, it's a general discomfort. Not something personal beyond the fact i know how crazy they must be typing and creating new storylines :D

I have been a Peter L. fan as producer and writer for last 8 years since he worked for LFN so i guess i will stay here despite of my complaints:thumbsup:

But isn't there any chance to suggest Ausiello he stops once for all answering only D/L questions???????? That's a frustration as well

Debbie :D
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I wouldn't be too hard on Peter Lenkov, guys. The writers have to do what they think is best for the show; they can't (and I truly believe, aren't) cater to one group of fans or another. The fact is that Anna's real life pregnancy changed the game in season five. I've certainly got reservations about the storyline, but I'm also willing to sit back and see what happens. One thing I do know: we've had some great storylines from these writers, and like anything else, I think it's best to wait to see how it plays out before assuming it will be the worst thing to ever happen to CSI: NY.

As Fay said, we're opinionated biatches. :lol: ;) I'll admit that I wasn't initially enthralled by the idea of Danny and Lindsay having a baby, and I never really will be, but I do see some potential to the story as well. It's not all bad, and the writers do deliver time and time again, I have faith that it'll provide an interesting insight into the characters. :)

Also, just a quick note as to the focus on the D/L news and brevity of the interview: the D/L news is certainly the biggest buzz in the CSI franchise this side of Warrick's death, and I thought it would be nice for CSI Files to run an article about the news. It's a very, very busy time for Mr. Lenkov at the moment, and I'm grateful he was willing to sit down and answer the questions right now so that we could run a timely story!

It's great that he took the time to answer questions right now! Thanks, Mr Lenkov. :) And, in my opinion, the D/L story rightly should be the focus of the interview, it really is the big story right now, and the thing we're all talking about. :)
I don't think it's so much that people want to come down hard on Lenkov or Veasey or anyone in particular - just a general dissatisfaction with the way things are going. We's some opinionated biatches. :p

I know, and love you guys for it! :D And I'm certainly one as well. :lol:

Top--->I didn't know you were Kristine :D !!!! and It doesn't matter, next time please. I'm dying for Stella's news here :D

I definitely will make sure to ask next time. :cool:

As Fay said, it's a general discomfortort. Not something personal beyond the fact i know how crazy they must be typing and creating new storylines :D

I have been a Peter L. fan as producer and writer for last 8 years since he worked for LFN so i guess i will stay here despite of my complaints:thumbsup:

Yeah, I noticed your avatar--very cool! :thumbsup:

But isn't there any chance to suggest Ausiello he stops once for all answering only D/L questions???????? That's a rustration as well

I have to defend Ausiello here as well; I know people are upset with him for not answering questions about other characters, but he's got a limited amount of time/space for his weekly Q&A column, and he covers a lot of shows. And it seems he gets a lot of D/L questions, from both people who love the pairing and people who can't stand it. So given that he's only got time to answer maybe one or two CSI: NY questions (and it really is cool to see him answering so many!), I can see how he'd go for the ones asked most frequently. That being said, I know in the past he's answered questions or given scoop about other characters (like the Mac Taylors' casting in 508).

As Fay said, we're opinionated biatches. :lol: ;) I'll admit that I wasn't initially enthralled by the idea of Danny and Lindsay having a baby, and I never really will be, but I do see some potential to the story as well. It's not all bad, and the writers do deliver time and time again, I have faith that it'll provide an interesting insight into the characters. :)

That's pretty much how I feel as well.

It's great that he took the time to answer questions right now! Thanks, Mr Lenkov. :) And, in my opinion, the D/L story rightly should be the focus of the interview, it really is the big story right now, and the thing we're all talking about. :)

That was pretty much the premise of the interview--it's such huge news right now, and I wanted to get something up on our site that was timely and answered some of the questions I've seen popping up around here. Later in the season, when things are a little less busy for the writers (not that it ever gets much less busy! :lol: ) , hopefully we can do a longer interview that delves into all of those character stories he was talking about in his answer to the last question!
Thanks guys! :)

ETA: I'm glad I wasn't a reporter who had to sit and listen to Lenkov. I don't think my follow-up question of, "So, Danny, the most emotional character on the show is going to find out suddenly and unexpectedly that he's going to be a father and that will in no way make him think of the 10 year old child for whose death he feels responsible?! What the f*ck are you people smoking!?!?!?!" would go over very well. :shifty:

Well, to be fair...the Ruben storyline really was addressed with more depth and in greater detail than most stories in CSI shows are. And I can see his point: for Danny, this is happy news and his focus is probably going to be on the road ahead rather than that behind him.

That being said, maybe Ruben doesn't come up directly, but we're supposed to infer that he's on Danny's mind when Danny takes this big pensive ride on his Harley that Carmine mentioned in TV Guide?

Yeah, the Ruben story line did have the depth and detail most stories don't get. But for me that just makes the disappointment all the larger when they say it's going to be dropped even though Danny is going to be a father. It just doesn't make sense to not address it directly. They can address it directly without it taking a huge amout of screen time; just let the audience know Danny's awesome luff for Lindsay and his child didn't wipe Ruben's memory from his brain. It also doesn't make sense for them to say the story is over and then say Rikki could still come back. How can they bring Ruben's mother back and not address Ruben's death? To even imply that is just ludicrious.

I wouldn't be too hard on Peter Lenkov, guys. The writers have to do what they think is best for the show; they can't (and I truly believe, aren't) cater to one group of fans or another. The fact is that Anna's real life pregnancy changed the game in season five. I've certainly got reservations about the storyline, but I'm also willing to sit back and see what happens. One thing I do know: we've had some great storylines from these writers, and like anything else, I think it's best to wait to see how it plays out before assuming it will be the worst thing to ever happen to CSI: NY.

I'll echo what Fay and Elsie said. I'm not necessarily being hard on one or two people, but Lenkov and Veasey are the two who have been quoted in the press and have said things that have made no sense and set me off. I think we're all taking the "wait and see" approach, but we've already seen how the DL story line has played out to date and it hasn't been good. I think it's only natural under the circumstances to assume this story line is going to suck, especially when it appears they've just been throwing it together on the fly since they found out Anna Belknap was pregnant.
Nice interview:)

I do think that like others already has said it would be nice to see on screen that d/l are actually together,instead of talking about it in interviews.
But the whole D/L stuff has people talking,so in that sense it works:lol:

It`s shame that the whole Rube storyline isn`t gonna come into play when Danny is gonna be a dad but I do understand it.
I think in their minds it`s a closed chapter,although if they do bring Rikki back I wonder how they are gonna do that
So, you're telling me we're not going to get anything to reference Danny and Lindsay as a couple until episode 509?? The same episode the bombshell gets dropped??

Oi. I thought they said the wanted development.

Also in terms of development, how the hell can they be letting go of the Reuben arc when A) Rikki's still returning and B) Danny is now having a child of his own?

Really? Really?!

As for expanding on the rest of the cast, FINALLY. That's friggin awesome and I hope they really stick to it. :thumbsup:
Yeah, I really hope there's some sort of reference before the 'oh hai, we're havin' a baybee' bomb gets dropped. If the first three episodes are anything to go by - probably not. *sigh*

Also in terms of development, how the hell can they be letting go of the Reuben arc when A) Rikki's still returning and B) Danny is now having a child of his own?
Exactly. I'm assuming Rikki won't have forgotten her child even if Danny apparently has. I would have expected at least some kind of comment to tell us that Danny can't help thinking about Ruben and maybe doubting his ability to be a good father and protect his child. They like drama, so why not utilize the logical sources of drama that are already there? Rikki can't come back until she can be happy for Danny - well, what's wrong with her being upset to start with and then coming to terms with it and being happy for them since she herself knows the joy (and the heartache) of having a child? I know Rikki is only a minor character, but c'mon. Minor characters can have realistic reactions too and not take up too much Happy Fun Baby Time. The audience shouldn't have to assume Danny is thinking about Ruben any more than we should have to assume that relationships have been going on behind the scenes when there's little to no evidence onscreen.

Oh well. I'm concentrating on the promising stuff for the rest of the cast. Even if I'm not happy with how this storyline turns out, I can at least look forward to that. :)
Yeah, I really hope there's some sort of reference before the 'oh hai, we're havin' a baybee' bomb gets dropped. If the first three episodes are anything to go by - probably not. *sigh*

Also in terms of development, how the hell can they be letting go of the Reuben arc when A) Rikki's still returning and B) Danny is now having a child of his own?
Exactly. I'm assuming Rikki won't have forgotten her child even if Danny apparently has. I would have expected at least some kind of comment to tell us that Danny can't help thinking about Ruben and maybe doubting his ability to be a good father and protect his child. They like drama, so why not utilize the logical sources of drama that are already there? Rikki can't come back until she can be happy for Danny - well, what's wrong with her being upset to start with and then coming to terms with it and being happy for them since she herself knows the joy (and the heartache) of having a child? I know Rikki is only a minor character, but c'mon. Minor characters can have realistic reactions too and not take up too much Happy Fun Baby Time. The audience shouldn't have to assume Danny is thinking about Ruben any more than we should have to assume that relationships have been going on behind the scenes when there's little to no evidence onscreen.

Oh well. I'm concentrating on the promising stuff for the rest of the cast. Even if I'm not happy with how this storyline turns out, I can at least look forward to that. :)

And really, if they aren't bringing Rikki back to either expand on or bring further closure to the whole Ruben storyline then why the hell is she even coming back?! I mean it's obvious nothing is going to happen between her and Danny so I'm just perplexed as to how bringing Rikki back = dropping the Ruben storyline. I mean the storyline was supposed to be about him after all. Poor child died and now he's being further neglected!

I dunno I'm trying to be optimistic about the whole baby storyline and I honestly could end up liking it but right now... not so optimistic. It's just that I watch Grey's Anatomy for this kind of sh**! As far as being a shipper goes, I wanted fun flirtation not Full House.