Peter Lenkov

CSI Files

<p>Following the end of the WGA strike in February, Executive Producer <font color=yellow>Peter Lenkov</font> and the rest of the <i>CSI: New York</i> writing team have been hard at work on the final seven episodes of the season. One of the major storylines that required their attention was the conclusion to the mystery that began in last fall's <A class="link" HREF="">"Down the Rabbit Hole"</a>, when the team tracked a killer in the virtual world Second Life. The conclusion to that episode, <A class="link" HREF="">"DOA for a Day"</a> airs tonight in the U.S. Lenkov took time out the rushed production schedule to discuss the episode with CSI Files' <font color=yellow>Kristine Huntley</font> as well as to hint at what's to come for the New York team in the season's final episodes.<p><b>CSI Files:</b> Tonight's the big Second Life episode conclusion episode. How much did the writers' strike affect the episode?<p><b>Peter Lenkov:</b> It really hasn't affected it at all. It's the same story I wanted to do before the strike. More time had passed since that last episode, but I'm hoping that because the first part of that aired last week that we won't really be paying too much attention to the time pass.<p><b>CSI Files:</b> Will there be another virtual tie-in with Second Life in this episode like there was in the first one?<p><b>Lenkov:</b> It's different because in the first episode it was a means to an end for [the killer]. She needed to go into Second Life in order to be able to steal this identity [of the character of Venus]. There is a little bit of Second Life in this episode because it plays into something that happened in the first episode, but it's not a Second Life episode. The first one really showcased Second Life, but in this one we use it because it helps us follow the trail of our suspect so it plays a lot less in it, but it's part of the overall investigation that bleeds from [episode] one into two.<p><b>CSI Files:</b> So it won't be the same interface with the virtual world this time around?<p><b>Lenkov:</b> I feel like we did that. It was fun the first time around but if we did it again the second time, I'm not sure how we would do it and make it any different. We do go to a cosplay club [in the second episode]. [It's] the cosplay club that you did not see in the first episode--we just mention she was coming from a cosplay club--we actually go to that club. But that's about it.<p><b>CSI Files:</b> Do you feel the collaboration between <i>CSI:NY</i> and Second Life was a success?<p><b>Lenkov:</b> It was successful; it was great. By the time we did the second episode, there was a lot of shorthand. A lot of it was a learning experience in the first one--how be able to tie in machinima into the episode and how to get it done in a timely fashion with our post-production schedule. With this one, we knew exactly what we needed to do to make those dates happen with our deadline. So it really was successful.<p><b>CSI Files:</b> You came back from the strike in February and had seven episodes to do. What's the production schedule been like?<p><HR ALIGN="CENTER" SIZE="1" WIDTH="45%" COLOR="#007BB5"><p>To read the full interviews, please click <A HREF="">here</A>.<center></center>
Interesting interview, thanks Kristine. :D

He was trying not to give too much away which I thought was great. :) He's totally right about Flack and Angell, two good looking people who work together, it's natural and fun for them to flirt. :thumbsup: His comments about Jessalyn Gilsig were good too, love interest or not, I'm sure she'll make for an interesting character. :lol:

Very interesting about next season's first 4 episodes, I had heard rumours that CSI: LV might be doing that, but no idea that NY were thinking about it. I guess it makes sense, and then they'll all get a nice summer break before they get back to filming the rest of season 5. :) And season 5 will start airing earlier! Yay!! :D
Thank you! :)

And yeah, I bet all of the CSI shows are doing that, getting a head start on the next season so it can be a little longer. Possibly all the CBS shows, since that's a CBS mandate.

And yeah, he didn't give too much away, which I can respect. Even if we love spoilers. :lol:
You're spoling us, Top, I'm getting used to all these interviews... :D

Mr. Lenkov was nice as usual, providing interesting information and the (great) news of a longer S5 which is reason enough to celebrate. And as a fan I really appreciate that they used the time during the strike to evaluate what they'd done so far and tried to tie up some of the loose ends.

He said these last seven episodes are going to be good and well, the man has never disappointed me so far so I'm going to trust him. ;)
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^Thank you! :) What can I say? I like to keep you guys happy. :cool:

Yeah, I'm excited about the rest of this season. You're right...he hasn't disappointed us! Lenkov is one of my favorite writers on the show--when I think back over my favorite episodes, he's had a hand in a lot of them (Snow Day, Trapped, Mrs. Azrael, etc.). So I have a lot of faith in him!

The extended season five is good news, too!
I can certainly agree by saying you are spoiling us...thanks :D

I'm glad I popped into read this before I go off to bed but im not sure how i'll manage that now: A cliffhanger, an earlier season, 26 episodes next season and possitive character development! I was thinking of going SF for next season but I don't know how i'll be able to now :lol:
Great interview, Kristine!

Unfortunately for him, the character stuff is what we all tend to concentrate on as far as spoilers go. :lol: I hope we don't already know the stuff he wanted us to be surprised about. :p

It's good to hear that we'll be having S5 sooner and with more episodes. Thanks for asking about Flack, Hawkes and Adam--I'm going to cross my fingers that we do get some stuff for them this season and next season. :)

It was interesting to read that they took a look back during the strike--I think that's good, getting some perspective and thinking about how to proceed. Too bad they didn't dredge up the Louie storyline for continuity, but there's some stuff getting attention that we've been asking for, so that's great. :D
Thanks guys! :)

Yeah, I think if there's one good thing the strike brought about for viewers it's that the writers really decided to go all out with continuity and bring back things we wanted to see, and not drop other things. There are certain storylines I'm glad to know aren't being dropped, and a few characters that it will be great to see again.