Peter Fonda Visits 'New York' For 2 Episodes

CSI Files

The latest big name to guest star on CSI: New York is Peter Fonda, who will appear in two episodes of the crime drama in April. (Spoilers after the jump!) According to Entertainment Weekly, Fonda will play William Hunt, an ex-partner of leading man Mac Taylor (Gary Sinise). The pair reconnect after a man they [...]

...:eek::rommie: whoa :p.

Now that is impressive. Another move in casting a guest appearance that I'm surprised as hell by, and that I'm immediately looking forward to.

Sounds like it could be interesting. All the moreso cos Mac, for once, won't be the target of a villain's interest :lol:, and also cos there will be a link from his past.

Very impressive, NY. I'll be tuning in.