Personal side of presidential hopefuls


I saw this on Yahoo and thought it was an interesting article especially for those of us planning on voting in the 2008 election.

WASHINGTON - If the presidential candidates were living the life of their idle dreams, Rudy Giuliani would be chattering in the announcer's booth at Yankee Stadium while Bill Richardson plays center field.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden would be designing houses and Sam Brownback tilling the fields back in Kansas.

By day — actually, by night, too — the candidates are politicians. It is what they do and a huge piece of who they are. But they have a personal side, too.

They have home tasks that need tending; one still must take his Christmas lights down. They have television to watch on the fly, tunes to help them through their day, and even the occasional wish to step into a whole new skin.

They have hidden talents, some of them odd. One is a hotshot poker player and one is a celebrity impersonator.

John McCain has pets, does he ever. At last count, 22 of them, including turtles Cuff and Link.

With their guard relaxed and their humor intact, seven Republicans and seven Democrats running for their party's presidential nomination answered questions from The Associated Press about their personal side. They talked about their tastes, traits, backgrounds and even their annoying habits.

The exercise unmasked three "American Idol" fans, others who avoid reality TV and still others who get their kicks online, checking out sports sites.

Chris Dodd singled out as his favorite online destination. That is an eclectic place explaining the fundamentals of everything under the sun, as well as the sun.

He can learn there about noise-canceling headphones, online mapping, spontaneous human combustion and efforts to help people regrow fingers.

Their personal technology both liberates the candidates from their work and ties them to it.

Hillary Rodham Clinton, John Edwards and Biden name the iPod as their favorite electronic device.

Obama voiced ambivalence about his favorite: "It would have to be my Blackberry," he told AP. "The least favorite is my Blackberry as well."

Richardson likened his Blackberry to a drug. "My Crackberry," he called it.

Veterans of past presidential campaigns have had experience exposing their personal side in this fashion. In 2004, Dennis Kucinich owned up to the childhood nickname Dennis the Menace and Edwards revealed his first job was as a soda jerk at the Tar Heel Drug Co. in Robbins, N.C.

This time, AP asked the candidates to say what they would want to be doing for a living if they weren't doing politics.

Mitt Romney chose the path of his father George W. Romney, who ran the old American Motors Corp., the maker of Rambler, Gremlin, Jeeps and more during its three-decade existence. Mike Huckabee, the only candidate who has a rock band, would try to make a go of it as bass player in his group — Capitol Offense.

The alternate career choices of the presidential candidates:


Delaware Sen. Joe Biden: Architect.

New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton: "Continue to work for causes and issues I care about, in a setting like a university or foundation."

Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd: Teacher.

Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards: Mill supervisor.

Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich: Astronaut.

Illinois Sen. Barack Obama: Architect.

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson: Center field, New York Yankees.


Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback: Farmer.

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani: Sports announcer.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee: Bass guitar player for a touring rock band.

California Rep. Duncan Hunter (news, bio, voting record): Outdoor writer.

Arizona Sen. John McCain: Foreign service.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney: Auto company chief executive.

Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo: President.


I like this, love the whole "getting to know our candidates" thing. I, personally, am all about Rudy in 08. Its really interesting to know he wanted to be a sports announcer. Thanks for posting this. :)

oh and the last guy, Tom T-somethingorother (never heard of him) President? thats original. lol.
Nice idea.. but I don't comment on a fan-site the following!! politics.. religion.. work place info. or company and/or personal stuff, just my own policy! but I do have a fav. on here and it's NOT REPUBLICAN;)
I'm keeping an open mind going in to the election, as it will be my first time voting for pres. I do know two things though; I won't be voting for Hilary, and anyone that says they are pulling our troops out as soon as they get into office also won't be getting my vote.
This ridiculously early campaign season is so distressing. Primaries are a good seven months away and people are already dropping out!!

I can't help but think that Hillary's response was drafted by a press person, though.
Mitt Romney is gonna be on Jay Leno tonight, I'm looking forward to hearing what he has to say.
If Romney is going to be on Leno tonight, then I'm going to Tivo it. Personally I hate the guy as Governor he really didn't do anything positive for MA. I'll watch it only to bash him.
New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson: Center field, New York Yankees.

We don't need a centerfielder. We need pitching! Although come to think of it, Melky Cabrera ain't doing to good in center. Does Richardson have a good bat?

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani: Sports announcer.

I'll take Rudy over Tim McCarver anyday.
Romney seemed pretty down to earth last night on Leno, and got an answer about him right on my Newswriting 2 final this morning.

Add Joe Buck to that list of crappy overrated commentators, he is a piece of trash.
Hmmm I am not from the States so not really into the whole running for president thing. Some news reaches this part of the world but not all of it.

Lets just say that I hope a Democrate wins..Weather its Hillary or some other Democrate, I don't mind :)
I don't really have a 'favorite', as long as it's not John McCain (no offense). Did anyone else see him on the Daily Show With Jon Stewart. Man, Jon told him a thing or two. That man NEVER STOPS TALKING! He would interrupt and talk for like, 10 mins. Nonstop. And I still don't agree with him on like, everything in his campaign. The whole thing about how criticizing the president is less supporting of our troops than increasing their tours of duty from 12 months to 15 months and the quality of care we give them when they get home (Walter Reed). I really don't think he is a leader. He's a politician. 'Nuff said.