People To People


I was wondering what you all knew about this program. It was started by Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956, it was originally used to show that the US was trying to imporve diplomatic relations by sending students to live in other parts of the world for a couple weeks.

I was invited to an introductory session yesterday, and while there I became quite interested in the program.

If I get into the program I'd go to England, Scotland, Wales, and Irleand for about twenty days. I'd be in a group of about forty students from the Massachusetts area. I'd live with a family in Ireland for a few days.

Do any of you know what the interview process is like, I'm just wondering about what I should expect.
Many of my friends were "invited" into this, but none actually want to do it. If I had gotten "invited" I would have jumped at the chance! I asked them how they got this mail, and none of them knew.

I read over the application with two of my friends, and for them it was basically just fill in this packet of interests and things like that.

Oh, just wondering, how you get invited? :)
Hey, I got "invited" too! I have no idea how or why, but the information meeting is on Nov. 9th and I'm gonna check it out then. I'm actually really excited about it. If I'm able to, I definately want to go. The letter I got says I'm invited to travel and study in England, Wales, and Ireland in 2007, but as far as other information, I have no idea what to expect...
If you do apply, you should fill out the application online brcause they'll get it it the quickest. They interview you in the order which they recieve your application. The first forty who pass the interview are the ones who are accepted.
I just did the interview this past wewkend, and if you all want to know what they typically ask just say so and I'll tell you. If you don't want to know that's cool with me to.
My friend is doing that, she's going to Austrailia for 20 days, though it isn't set yet, she's pretty sure she's going to go.