OPINION Time, Lets Hear From You.

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Still Sanity Challenged!
Premium Member
From time to time we ask for you're opinions we might ask every so often or alot lol just depends on the reasons. Lets get started.

The subject: Many people like to do projects for the stars of the LV show, such projects as Birthday presents, Holiday gifts, etc. Its been asked if this topic could have its own thread. We considered this before but it was so limited that we just agreed to allow it but only in the Actor/Character discussion threads. This has garnered some complaints as to possibly not enough people seeing it.

Keep in mind the Disclaimer: "that the CSIFiles, TalkCSI, The Owner, Admins, & Moderators are not in anyway responsible for any project or members participation in it, We do not advise for or against it, and any information you give is at you're discreation. We do not encourage the giving of personal info (ie full name, address, phone)."

The following 5 question poll will tell us you're votes, anyone wishing to add anything may do so, if you are unsure and have a question before you vote then feel free to ask and we will try to answer it. This poll will run for about a week. By doing this poll we listen to what you have to say, which may help us expand on the thought for this, and Help Determine what the best for all involved.
PLEASE: Be Sure To Vote Each Question! Thanks.
What Type Of Project Thread Should Be Done?
I voted "Birthday". I was considering voting "Both" but I think birthday and christmas is just way too much.

Should People Ask To Do A Project & Give Details?
I think everyone and anyone who wants to do these sorts of projects need to run it by Destiny or Tally first. Giving details is also crucial. And I would suggest that before anyone begins these they should somehow talk to one of the stars reps. to see if they will get to the star (I've heard of people sending gifts and they've gotten sent back, even when sending to a fanmail address).

Should only one person & An Alternate Be In Charge Of Each Project?
Personally - I think only one person should run the project. While two is very helpful, and if the main person doesn't have a lot of time - it would certainly help them out. So I'm neutral on that one.

Should Projects Be Done?
I think it should be done to suit the person organizing it. If it helps to have a small website (If they want to put lots of details into them) it's great. PMs are also a very easy way to get in any participation (Since lots of people prefer not to give out their E-mail address). But E-mail is quick as well.

Name For The Thread?
At first I thought it would be cool to have individual threads per project.

However; if it wont be that way, I'd say "LV Stars: Give the Gift of Love" (haha, I think that's cute!)
Individual threads would probably be easier and something taken into consideration, BUT at this point even one thread since most of the stars b-days are spread out a bit. This way its a test and easier, when one project finishes another can start, and so on.

I agree to get ahold of a rep for the actor/actress. Using an Alternate also helps if for some reason the main person can not get online due to computer problems or illness (ie the flu).
One more thing I thought of:

If anyone is setting up a fan project, that they don't request money for it.

I've seen it done for other celebrities where people asked for Donations to be able to send the gift.

Personally, if you can not afford to send it yourself then you shouldn't begin the project - until you get everything under control.

ETA: Also if you're doing one, try to set it up a couple months in advance (Meaning like, not a month before you're going to send it off)

From what I've noticed is that it goes very slowly at first, but begins to pick up as more people know about it. So by starting it later, less people know about it. Starting it two - three months before you want to send it off (Deadline) gives people lots of opportunity.
No the way you vote if you wish to give is up to you, otherwise, the only thing we ask is if you state a choice of "Give idea" to umm actually give it lol. Also if anyone wants to add anything elses, ideas or just give an overall opinion on it.
Several years ago I headed up a couple of birthday projects on a band board and assisted on a couple of others. It was a great deal of fun, and the guys loved them, but different types of projects present different challenges.

For the more net-connected recipients, really, a small website seems to work best. We've done everything from PDF files to overgrown Word docs ( :eek: NOOOOOOO!!!!!) to "hard copy", hands-on projects (the most problematic, obviously). A small website is good because if access is allowed to everyone who "gave", then they get to see how their donation looks to the recipient. That, and folks can get a little creative in terms of what they contribute, more so than simple text/images.

Just my $0.02 worth... :cool:
I do like the web idea.

Just recently, someone submitted a birthday wish for Jorja who told me she had just been searching on a search engine for Jorja Fox information!

So it can pay off to have a small website :)
I voted and I hope we can do it for the actors. Just one reminder though. If they say no leave it at that. We tried to do one for George Eads 40th birthday and his people said NO. So we left it at that and respected their decisions.
Jacquie & gsrLOVE and everyone else, Thank you both for putting in the tip and advice to this as well to help those who are voting.
Anyone else want to add now is the time, the poll will go until the date set but if this is all then we will go through it all. If someone has something to add we are listening.
Two more days to vote then the poll closes down, and right now there is a tie on the first question, I hate breaking them lol. Anyone wishing to can still vote and add to the thread.
:) Hy Destiny and thanks for this, it´s an good idea. And i´ve voted too. And i´ll agree with Jacquie and hope so we can do next time nice gifts. The little Website sounds really nice :) good luck for more voting here
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