Office Romance Ahead On Original 'CSI'

CSI Files

After five years of sweeping for fingerprints and processing DNA samples, the characters on the original CSI will soon be focusing their investigations on an unfamiliar area: their own private lives.

"Catherine needs to explore her sexuality and have some intimacy in her life," <font color=yellow>Marg Helgenberger</font> (Catherine Willows) told <font color=yellow>Craig Tomashoff</font> at TV Guide, for the cover story in the February 27 edition of TV Guide. "[Showrunner <font color=yellow>Carol Mendelsohn</font>] has told me she can't see Catherine kissing just anyone. It has to be the right guy."

According to TV Guide, that guy will probably be Warrick Brown, although Catherine will first be seen later this season romancing a man she meets in a Vegas bar. But when this nightclub becomes the focal point of a murder investigation, this puts such a strain on the relationship that Catherine may find herself going back to Warrick for good. "There is something between Catherine and Warrick that will come to a head," Carol Mendelsohn said. "In May, there will be an opportunity for them to get closer, when they are away from the office. But this time the person that wanted to [hook up] before may not be the one who wants to this time."

The Warrick-Catherine romance won't be the only glimpse into the characters' personal lives the show will be offering. After Sara recently had a scene in "Nesting Dolls" in which she confessed to Grissom that her mother had killed her father, it will be Catherine's turn for emotional turmoil in an upcoming episode in which her mother shows up and questions Catherine's parenting skills. All this is part of an effort to freshen up the show this season, according to Mendelsohn: "We always hear die-hard fans saying the show isn't as good as the first season, so we said, 'Let's go back to Season 1 and reintroduce the characters.'"

While fans may not recall the first season as being very character-focused, TV Guide revealed the producers had originally planned to introduce an office romance as early as in the original "Pilot" for the show. In a scene that was filmed but never shown, Catherine was apparently making out with Nick Stokes. This lost plot line will likely never be picked up again, but fans will finally be able to watch this deleted scene later this year. The magazine reported Paramount is currently planning to release a new version of the first-season <">DVD box set</A> that will come with all-new bonus features not included on the original release.

But before that, fans still have several episodes to look forward to of the show's fifth season, which so far has already brought a split of the original CSI team into a night and a swing swift, and the introduction of new characters such as Sofia Curtis and Mia Dickerson. According to Marg Helgenberger, these characters were brought in to send the message "you're replacable" to the original CSI actors, following the much-publicised firing and subsequent re-hiring of <font color=yellow>Jorja Fox</font> (Sara Sidle) and <Font color=yellow>George Eads</font> (Nick Stokes). But according to Mendelsohn, the CSI cast has now accepted the new format: "One of the actors said later, 'You were right! I've never enjoyed what I'm playing so much!'"

One actor who seems to be enjoying himself is <font color=yellow>Gary Dourdan</font> (Warrick Brown). "I'm excited to see what happens with [Catherine and Warrick]," he said. "I'd love to see that [sex] scene on the kitchen table. Or maybe on the desk. And then the break room. Not in the morgue, though." So is there an actual chance of that happening? "Before this show is over," Carol Mendelsohn teased, "some CSI will have sex."

For much more on the original CSI, including more quotes from Mendelsohn, all the above actors and <font color=yellow>Aisha Tyler</font> (Mia Dickerson), pick up the February 27 issue of TV Guide, featuring Gary Dourdan, Marg Helgenberger and George Eads on the cover. Major thanks go out to <font color=yellow>Al Forno</font> for this!<center></center>
The magazine reported Paramount is currently planning to release a new version of the first-season DVD box set that will come with all-new bonus features not included on the original release.

Grrr... I hate it when they do that! Let me specify. I love to see deleted scenes (although, Nick with Catherine> o_O uhm...). But I've already have the first season on dvd! Gah! Money isn't growing on my back, and buying season 1 twice? Grr..

Oh, and about personal lives... I wanna know more about Greg, and I still don't like the split up of the team. *nods*
I don't mind the writers injecting a little romance into the show. In fact, I've been wanting to see more focus on the characters' personal lives (as long as it doesn't overwhelm the show). Specifically, the idea of a Catherine/Warrick romance doesn't bother me. My only concern is that the integrity of the team will be compromised, and the great dynamic they have going will be undermined.

On the subject of characters personal lives...Come on!! When are they going to spread the love to Nicky? When is he going to get another personal storyline?

And George and Jorja replacable?
i'm excited to be seeing Catherine and Warrick hook up but i could reallie do without a sex scene. CSI isn't the kind of show that i would like to see the characters hook up and have sex. on a show like Alias that's ok to see but not on something like CSI i feel it's too different from other shows to have a part of the cast hook up and have sex.

i'm also a little nervous b/c my family watches it and i reallie do not feel like hearing my dad complain about how CSI is getting a little too much. also my younger brothers watch it and i don't think they need to be seeing stuff like that especially if it hasn't been shown like they are planning to.

but anyway i've been looking forward to seeing Catherine and Warrick hook up since their near kiss in "Down The Drain". i find it a bit weird that all of a suddend Warrick and Catherine have feeling for each other it's not like it has been coming for a long time like the Sara and Grissom 'ship.

one last thing... Where the hell has Nick been this season?!! he was the main man in "Snakes" but he hasn't been in the show as much this season. i wanna see him have a 'ship with someone.
Hi! This is my first post so I hope it doesn't sound TOO silly!
Office Romance? Hmm... well.. I don't mind seeing some romance on the show. After all with all the 'teasing' that has been going on with various characters over the years it will be interesting to see what finally happens and who finally 'gets' with who.

I think that an actual sex scene would feel out of place. Maybe just the suggestion of what happened would be enough - a goodnight kiss and then having breakfast together the next day... I don't know.. And Catherine and Warrick? Not sure about that either. But, it is out of my control I guess so I will dutifully watch and see what unfolds.
I posted most of this on the general forum, but I didn't now it had to be discussed here. Despite the fact that this will be talked about a lot, I'm sure what ever scenes between Warrick and Catherine will be small, and maybe even subtle?

I don't mind the pai, its ones tha fans have NOT been talking about. Both characters to me have a lot of spark. Despite not seeing any real "moment' through out teh series, these two work well together and have flirted with each (just like every other pair Greg with any female, Nick with either Sara or Catheirne). I recall Catheirn saying Warrick's eyes were his best feature.

My problem lies in the fact we have not gotten equal peraonl storylines in a while.

Grissom we got a glipmes of here and there, although I think his focus was Season Three with his hearing loss. As far as romance, we've seen his attraction to the blonde lady during season 1, forgot her name, first appearance "Who Are You". Then Lady Heather and of course his inabilty to address Sara. Since then, not much.

We are getting TONS on Sara this season, I think they started focusing on her problems at the end of Season 4. This season has been heaven for Sara fans.

Warrick has been basicly ignored, "Random Acts of Violence" and Season 1 were his focus areas. His gambling addiction was what really kicked off the first four eppys in season 1 with the disasterous results with Holly's death.

Greg has finally matured a bit, I miss his zanniest in the lab, but he had to grow up sometime. I've learned to really love him this season.

Where the hell is Nick this season? We learned about him the most in season 1 and 2. His realtionship with Kristy. Then about his abuse in "Overload". Since then, we seen his desire to solo, getting solved in season 3. Atleast in season 4, he had decent screen time, but he's been basicly lab boy the rest of this season.

What about learning more about him? Where are his emotional episodes since "Stalker" way back in season 2?

Hmm, I'd like to see that outake from Season 1. Cath is one of the few to call him "Nicky" Hehe.

Anyways, hopefuly the negletced will get more screen time. We know William is cutting hours becuse of his health, but he's still needs to be an anchor.

Sigh, just give us some more Nick and I'll stop complaining
I looked at the news posting again and I realized that Carol M. said "before this show is over, some CSI will have sex."
Not this SEASON but this SHOW. Did she choose her words carefully, meaning before the grand finale, when all shipper fantasies will be fulfilled, or was this a word-choice error? I am sure she did not mean some particular episode. Inquiring minds want to know. :rolleyes:
I totally agree with the first poster. I hate it when they come out with new versions of DVD's that are already out. Like they said money doesn't grow on trees. I'm not going to spend another $40-60 just for some new scences and featurettes. I could sell my original on ebay and use the money for a new copy but I doubt I'll do that. As for Marg's comment on sending the message that the original cst mambers are replacable is wrong in my opinion. This show isn't like Law and Order where that was more easily done. I like the fact the personal lives are being brought into the open but I have this sinking feeling it will turn into some soap opera. The show should still about the cases and science behind them. I do realize that can only go so far but they shouldn't lose track of what makes them so popular. I don't want CSI to turn into a "Desperate Housewives" science show. Whose sleepling with who? Come on, CSI is smarter than to resort to that crap that is all over tv.
i'd rather see something happen between grissom/sara but ah well it is unlikely. I live in the UK and saw sophia for the first time last night there was something going on then.

this boxset you all speak of...will it be coming out in the UK too do you know?
"We always hear die-hard fans saying the show isn't as good as the first season, so we said, 'Let's go back to Season 1 and reintroduce the characters.'"

I am not a die hard fan, I am a new fan, I have caught the original on and off for awhile, but I have finally decided to go back and watch from the beginning. I love season 1...I find myself wondering what happened to the show...I season by far, why can't they all be like season 1?

So I am happy we are going back and "reintroducing the characters."