No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

CSI Files

A celebration ends on a very sour note for one of the elite members of Las Vegas society.

According to CSI Files sources, the tenth episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation's eighth season finds Detective Vega and his wife attending a function to honor Felix and Elizabeth Rodriguez. Felix is a self-made millionaire and Elizabeth is his young trophy wife. The couple was awarded the Las Vegas Humanitarian of the Year Award. They are dancing along with Vega and his wife while Doc Robbins and his band, The Morgues, perform on stage. The doctor is playing the lead guitar. Elizabeth is in good spirits, clearly enjoying the attention.

Felix looks at his watch and decides that it's time for him to make his exit. Elizabeth is disappointed, but she cannot dissuade her husband from leaving the party. His night ends early, but her night ends badly. The CSI team ends up at the Ruby Ridge Country Club, but they are not guests at the swanky party. Instead, they are there to investigate Elizabeth's murder. She has been found dead on the golf course, her body mangled. She is missing her shoes--and her heart.

Detective Vega works the case with Catherine, Nick and Greg. They can tell that Elizabeth's body was dumped where it was found. Nick and Catherine search the golf course, trying to find their primary crime scene--and hopefully find her heart in the process. Vega has Felix Rodriguez brought in for questioning about his wife's murder. He asks Felix why he left early, questions why Elizabeth was upset with him. Felix explains that he does not like dancing or small talk with people who are asking him for money. He doesn't know why he is there, but Vega presses on, asking Felix what happened after he left the country club. He says that he went home and watched television. Vega is suspicious of the fact that he didn't realize that his wife had never come home. Felix says that he fell asleep, but he can tell where these questions are going. He wants to know if anything has happened to Elizabeth.

Catherine and Nick continue to look for evidence, any sign of blood or drag marks. They aren't finding anything. At one point, the sprinkler system turns on and Nick has to get the golf course to turn off the water so they can continue. They search the fairway and the cart path, but eventually they have to give up. It's obvious that Elizabeth was not killed here. Vega continues to interrogate Felix about his whereabouts the night before, and Felix finally demands to know what is going on or else he will call his lawyer. Vega has to deliver the news that Elizabeth has been murdered. Felix is stunned, and his eyes fill with tears.

Doc Robbins finds dog hair on Elizabeth's body, and Wendy follows that evidence in the lab. The dog hair leads them to Gino Aquino, a man associated with the D Street Killers. Aquino had been arrested the month before and his dog had been confiscated. He claims that he never got the dog back, but Nick searches the house for evidence that the dog--and his hair--had been there. Meanwhile, Grissom and Brass work with Warrick on the case of a dead stripper that Warrick met in "Cockroaches".

Please note that the above plot details have not been confirmed by CBS, Alliance Atlantis or Bruckheimer Films, and until such time you should treat this information as you would any other rumour. The above information comes from early script drafts and the details of the episodes are liable to change before the episodes are shown.

The tenth episode of CSI is expected to air in January 2008.<center></center>