Nine killed in Spain coach crash


Master of the Moos
This happened on Saturday


MADRID, Spain (AP) -- The death toll from the crash of a bus filled with Finnish tourists in southern Spain has risen to nine, the Finnish Foreign Ministry said Sunday.
The bus collided with another vehicle and overturned on a coastal highway near the resort town of Benalmadena late Saturday.
Among those killed was a 7-year-old girl. Nine others were seriously injured, the ministry said.
All of the passengers were from Finland, though the driver was not Finnish, the ministry said.
Police arrested the driver of the other vehicle, who was not seriously injured, after he failed a blood alcohol test, said Hilario Lopez Luna, regional Interior Ministry spokesman.
"It appears the driver of the second vehicle, an SUV, was traveling at high speed and was over the legal alcohol limit," Lopez Luna told reporters.
The eastbound lanes on the highway were closed as heavy lifting machinery was brought in to allow rescue workers access to the inside of the bus, local media said.


There was 49 passengers. They were just travelling to airport, because their holiday was ending and flight to home was ahead.
Some have returned home, some are still hospitalised in Spain.

I've been so mad that media waits in the airport here for people returning and hoping that they could interview 'em. Why on earth they have to do that? They are in shock, leave them alone goddamnit!

Of course here it's been a lot in media, but the reason why I wanted to post this here is the fact that driver that caused this horrible crash was drunk and perhaps we could have some discussion about drunk driving and how those should be handled? Aand should every country go to zero tolerance?
I'm a big fan of zero tolerance.
What happened Saturday should've never happened in the first place. Bus drivers, truck drivers (and if I had my way, any driver) should be punished way harder for drunk driving.

There's a special lock that can prevent drunk drivers to start the engine. Basically, you have to blow in a little tube, and if you're negative for alcohol, you can start the car. I think that this should be standard on every bus. It's like the bus driver doesn't seem to realize that during the ride, he's responsible for dozens of lives. I'm a little shocked that someone can sink so low, that he couldn't care less about people he's responsible for.

I'm not saying I'm a saint. I enjoy my share of alcohol, but I will never step into my car drunk, or even tipsy.

I'm really sorry for the nine that were killed in the crash. I offer my sympathy to their families and may they rest in peace.
I'm not saying I'm a saint. I enjoy my share of alcohol, but I will never step into my car drunk, or even tipsy.

Basically, in my opinion alcohol and driving do not mix. That is why I wouldn't drive with any amount of alcohol, no matter how small, in my system. Of course this is easy for me, as I very rarely drink anyway. ;)

Police arrested the driver of the other vehicle, who was not seriously injured, after he failed a blood alcohol test, said Hilario Lopez Luna, regional Interior Ministry spokesman.
"It appears the driver of the second vehicle, an SUV, was traveling at high speed and was over the legal alcohol limit," Lopez Luna told reporters.

And that's the other problem with drink driving. It won't really matter what I do, if the rest of the road users have been drinking. That's why, in my opinion, the legal alcohol limit should be no alcohol at all... But then again, it's not just drinking that's a problem, but drug use, tiredness, general poor driving and distractions. No one is perfect on the roads, but we should all take responsibility and consider our actions. After all, when bad choices are made, people can die. It's tragic and my thoughts go out to the families of all those involved.
. I'm a little shocked that someone can sink so low, that he couldn't care less about people he's responsible for.

The busdriver wasn't drunk, SUV driver was...he started to overdrive from the right side, hit the fence, hit the bus and bus fell and hit the fence (or the bar-thingie in the middle)

I don't even take a sip of anything when I am driving, I am so mad about it.
^I must've read too fast. I'm sorry.

Still, if you take your car and drive, you know that one single manoeuvre (sp?) can cause something deadly. You're never alone on the road, so in some way, you're responsible for the safety of the drivers around you.
Ironically, my school just had a presentation on drunk driving. I find it SO stupid. It's not that hard to either wait until you're sober or call a taxi/get your friend to drive/call "Key's Please" (at least here we have Keys Please).

and should every country go to zero tolerance?
I think so. Drinking and driving is no accident. The drunk drivers had a CHOICE to drive drunk or not drive at all. They should get punished (a lot) for making such a stupid decision.

What's happening with the driver? Is he going to jail?
While many celebrities keep getting off with a slap of the wrist, or at least community service, for their drunk or drugged driving, others will not learn from them.

From today's news:

SANTA ANA, Calif. - Richie Sambora struck a deal with prosecutors Tuesday just hours after they filed drunken driving charges against him, pleading no contest to one misdemeanor count of driving with a blood-alcohol level above the legal limit.

In turn, the district attorney agreed to drop a second charge — driving under the influence of alcohol — against the Bon Jovi guitarist, said Farrah Emami, a district attorney spokeswoman.

Sambora was sentenced to three years of informal probation, three months of first-offender alcohol awareness class and court fees. He also cannot have any measurable amount of drugs or alcohol in his system while driving during his probation.
Hopefully driver is going to jail, I don't know so well the laws of Spain. Here, I think, they get away with so little that it makes me mad. Been cases, where drunk driver has killed little kid and they get 9 months and with luck are there only 4. Now they've planned those locks to cars of people, who are convicted from drunken driving, so if they want to start the car, they have to take that breath..whatevertest.

I think they should lose their car to the state. Of course when it's crashed, there's not much to get, but the ones who don't crash.
And should every country go to zero tolerance?

absolutely. its one of the stupidest things you could do. how hard is it to not drive somewhere if you plan on drinking? or not having a drink if you are the driver? i have absolutely no alcohol if i am the driver. i forget what the exact percentage is, but much more than half of the drunk drivers pulled over are repeat offenders. so obviously whatever they are doing is not working to stop this.
And should every country go to zero tolerance?

We shouldn't have to. People should have enough freakin' common sense in the first place.

I guess the saying, 'common sense isn't so common' is true in this case. It's silly.

I'd never drink - drive. Hell, I don't drink, save for a glass of champagne at Christmas.

My prayers are with the victims, and the offender. I pray s/he'll think again before stepping behind the wheel drunk.
When I hear about someone dying in stupid car crashes (I've personally known 5 people who died of drunk driving in the past 2 years) I automatically think about the people they left behind. Family and friends, for them is the hardest part, and our prayers will be directed to them, to have the strength to carry on. I know how it is to get a phone call that gives to the bad news. Well, if the driver was here he would have gone for at least 15 years of jail without any question about it.

I have lost one of my friends due to drunk driving. It happened in October 2007. He wasn't driving though. They came back from a party and the driver was more than drunk. They hit at a high speed some sort of iron. The death the poor boy had was horrible, something that was out from a horror movie. The rest of 4 people in the car didn't even have a scratch.

I agree with the fact that bus and truck drivers should be punished more severely for drunk driving. A truck driver almost killed us and he was drunk as hell. He was mad because we passed him on the freeway, and as a revenge he decided to run into us. All I can say is we were so damn lucky.

It doesn't surprise me that some celebrities get away with these kind of things really easy. Well, at least some of them Didn't Lindsay Lohan spend some time in jail for drunk driving? Or am I dreaming :lol: