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CSI Files

<ul><li> Telltale Games is developing a new <I>CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</I> game for PC, Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii called <I>CSI: Deadly Intent</I>. The game will reflect the recent addition of Dr Ray Langston (<font color=yellow>Laurence Fishburne</font>) and Riley Adams (<font color=yellow>Lauren Lee Smith</font>) to the <I>CSI</I> cast. <I>Deadly Intent</I> is scheduled for an October 20 release. (Source: <A class="link" HREF="">Worth Playing</a>)<p><li> The trailer for <I>CSI</I> creator <font color=yellow>Anthony Zuiker</font>'s upcoming novel, <I>Level 26: Dark Origins</I>, is <A class="link" HREF="">available</a> online and can be seen below:<p><dl><dt><dd><font color=yellow><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></font></dt></dl><p><li> "CSI: The Experience" will premiere at the MGM Grand Hotel & Casino on the Las Vegas Strip this summer. "The touring version of 'CSI: The Experience' has been incredibly popular throughout the U.S. and the world," said <font color=yellow>Liz Kalodner</font>, Executive Vice President and General Manager of CBS Consumer Products. "We're excited to expand its reach by creating a more permanent home for the exhibit in the place where you could say the television series all began - Las Vegas." (More details can be found at the <A class="link" HREF="">Futon Critic</a>)<p><li> <font color=yellow>Gonzalo Menendez</font> has an upcoming guest-spot on <font color=yellow>Jerry Bruckheimer</font>'s new TNT drama <I>Dark Blue</I>, which is directed by <font color=yellow>Danny Cannon</font>. "Danny's the one that first hired me as Clavo Cruz on <I>CSI: Miami</I> so he brought me on to do this second episode," the actor told the <A class="link" HREF="">Examiner</a>.<p><li> A <A class="link" HREF="">website</a> has been created to give consumers information about the proper disposal of asbestos-contaminated <I>CSI</I> Fingerprint Examination Kits. The site also includes details about the time-sensitive refund process. (<A class="link" HREF="">Source</a>)</ul><center></center>
Yay, another CSI game. Can't wait. Will be interesting without the original cast in the game.

I hope they managed to get Marg to actually do her character's voice this time. Though the person they had do it in the last game was pretty good.

I, also, hope there is more than five cases to solve.
Telltale games... Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't that the company that did the NY game? Cause if it is, I am not sure if I will buy the new game. I hated the way the NY game was. It had a lot of bugs and stuff. There was one puzzle where I tried EVERY combination and it acted like I hadn't solved it, then it wouldn't let me go on to something else. :( I hate that I might not be able to play the new game for Vegas. What happened to Ubi soft? They were the best at the CSI games.

Speedy, I agree about the person who did Marg's voice in the last game. I didn't even know it wasn't actually Marg until the credits rolled. I knew Sara wasn't voiced by Jorja pretty much right away. :lol:

That Level 26 thing looks awesome. But is it a movie? I thought it was a book? But they had a few people I recoginized in the trailer. Michael Ironside for one. And the guy who played on CSI as Sherriff Brian Mosely or Mosbly or something like that. :lol: The guy with the reddish hair.
Level 26: Dark Origins looks amazing. Very scary and very well made.

One question though: is this just staying in novel/digi-novel format, or is the trailer a preview for a movie version as well?
I don't know for sure, but my guess is the trailer is clips from the cyber-bridges.

GregNickRyanFan said:

Telltale games... Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't that the company that did the NY game? Cause if it is, I am not sure if I will buy the new game.
One place I saw mentioned that it was NOT going to be like the casual NY game that was released recently.
I don't know for sure, but my guess is the trailer is clips from the cyber-bridges.

GregNickRyanFan said:

Telltale games... Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't that the company that did the NY game? Cause if it is, I am not sure if I will buy the new game.
One place I saw mentioned that it was NOT going to be like the casual NY game that was released recently.

Thank goodness! I hope it's like the other CSI Games. And I hope they are able to make the people look more like the real people like the other CSI games did. The NY one did well with Adam, but Flack was terrible. :lol:

Now, when are they gonna make a new Miami game? It's been due for an update for a long time. :lol:
I'm wondering now that Riley's been taken off the show, will she still be in the new computer game? I hope so. If LLS voiced Riley especially... it'd be even more cruel to her to take her character out of the game.

I'm still wondering when/if they're going to make a new Miami game and reflect the changes there and add Frank, Ryan, Natalia, Kyle (or new M.E.) and new character Jesse.