'New York' Crowns Prom King

CSI Files

From modeling to acting to...murder suspect?<p><font color=yellow>Todd Brueggemann</font> will be familiar to watchers of <I>CSI: New York</I> as the prom king, Jason Francis, in last night's episode, <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/episodes/newyork/season4/admissions.shtml">"Admissions"</a>. The 21-year-old actor hails from Ozark, Missouri, and he goes by the stage name <font color=yellow>Todd Julian</font>. <I>New York</I> wasn't Brueggemann's first acting gig, but it's his biggest so far.<p>Acting wasn't in the cards for Brueggemann until an injury in his senior year of high school changed his plans. "I was going to play college basketball somewhere. And when I couldn't, I just wanted to leave. It was terrible. I was miserable. (Basketball) was what I was really passionate about for 18 years," he told <A class="link" HREF="http://www.news-leader.com/apps/pbcs.dll/frontpage">News Leader</a>. Brueggemann's parents thought to try something different. He had been approached about modeling in the past, so his mother, <font color=yellow>Debbie Brueggemann</font>, e-mailed his senior picture to modeling agencies. Two agencies called them within two hours.<p>Brueggemann went to New York City and landed modeling jobs that included Maurice's, Cosmopolitan, The Buckle and Abercrombie & Fitch. He liked modeling, but he wanted to give acting a try. He bombed his first audition, so he took his first acting lesson "and fell in love." Brueggemann moved west after his agent recommended a manager in Hollywood. "In my first year of acting, I did four commercials, three movies and now <I>CSI: NY</I> ... I've always had a baby face and it's always sucked," he said. "Now that I'm in Hollywood, it's great because I'm playing 16-year-olds."<p>After landing roles in commercials and independent movies, as well as a being an extra in a few television shows, Brueggemann appeared in "Admissions" as a prom king accused of murder. "I was definitely excited. I was getting the monkey off my back after being so close in so many other projects. (The others) didn't want to take a chance on me, and now someone did," he explained. His goal in Hollywood is simple: "I'm not planning on changing the world or becoming a huge success. But as long as I'm happy, I'll stay out here."<p>The original article is from <A class="link" HREF="http://www.news-leader.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080429/ENTERTAINMENT10/804290315">News Leader</a>.<center></center>