New Mod


Hey everyone! As some of you might know, ladyhunter has decided to step down. She breathed a lot of life into this forum and will surely be missed. Hopefully she will still drop by and grace us with her presence.

Stepping into those weighted shoes is the lovely Sharp52092. She's a regular around here so I'm sure many of you know her already. Please give her a kind welcome and congratulations.

(And possibly convince her to do something about those numbers at the end of her name... :lol:)
*Vader screams* NO! Nope, nope, never ever ever! I won't change them :lol: You can't make me

BTW you can all call me Sharp or even Sharpie if you want :)
Congrats and welcome! And I happen to like those numbers, well the first 3 anyways. :lol: